First of all i want to thank you for the work you do with OTRS, it look very 
nice and adaptable to what i need.

On Tuesday 01 July 2003 17:20, Martin Edenhofer wrote:
> Hi Vinni,
> On Mon, Jun 30, 2003 at 10:55:40AM +0200, Durepaire vincent wrote:
> > Ive recently installed and configured OTRS but i see 3 litle problems,
> > Could you please read untill the end. id like to know if im wrong.
> >
> > 1) I use Mod_perl to make the OTRS 1.1.2 run. It works but i dont
> > understand very well how this line works in my httpd.conf.
> >     Perlrequire $ORTS_HOME/scripts/
> > Cause it is being executed at the begining of apache (as i wanted) but
> > when "$OTRS_HOME/bin/cgi-bin/" is executed  whitout theses
> > lines use Kernel::Config;
> >     use Kernel::Config::ModulesCustomerPanel;
> >     use Kernel::System::Log;
> >   [...]
> >     use Kernel::Output::HTML::Generic;
> >
> > I get some errors like
> >
> > Name "Kernel::System::AuthSession::CheckSessionID" used only once:
> > possible typo at /home/httpd/htdocs/otrs/bin/cgi-bin/ line
> > 606. Name "DBI::errstr" used only once: possible typo at
> > /home/httpd/htdocs/otrs/bin/cgi-bin/ line 127.
> >
> > Can't locate object method "new" via package "Kernel::Config" (perhaps
> > you forgot to load "Kernel::Config"?) at
> > /home/httpd/htdocs/otrs/bin/cgi-bin/ line 67.
> > [Fri Jun 27 12:22:32 2003] [error] [client] Premature end of
> > script headers: /home/httpd/htdocs/otrs/bin/cgi-bin/
> >
> > That means that the modules are not loaded into memory, i thought the
> > apache configuration line "Perlrequire
> > $ORTS_HOME/scripts/" was supposed to do that.
> In $ORTS_HOME/scripts/ is a "use lib" for the
> $ORTS_HOME. If you change if from "/opt/otrs/" to
> "/home/httpd/htdocs/otrs/" the it will work.

I still dont understand cause i allready had this line il my 
$ORTS_HOME/scripts/ It doasent matter ill try latter 
and tell you what it was.

> > 2)While configuring OTRS i found out that using the customer interface i
> >  could not send a ticket to different Queues using only one "system mail
> >  address destination" filtered from the creator of the ticket.
> > I've allready configured my qmail server with procmail to filter all
> > incoming mails, so that when sending mail to the OTRS System email
> > address with a mailer,  emails are rederected to differents queues
> > depending on the From header.
> > But it daosnt work with the customer interface cause it doasnt send any
> > mail to qmail to create a ticket. I need some help, i'd be very glad if
> > any one can answer me on that point.
> The queue-selection in is configurable.
> If you want all queues, add the following to your Kernel/
> $Self->{CustomerPanelSelectionType} = 'Queue';
> $Self->{CustomerPanelSelectionString} = 'Queue: <Queue>';
> -(don't replace <Queue>)-
> Maybe it's what you want.

You answer is almost perfect but i dont want to see every possible queue in 
the selection panel, i only want some queue per user to be displayed.
For exemple id like :
        Paul to be able to post to queue "admin-queue" and/or "web-queue" only
        Jack to be able to post to queue "organisation-queue" and/or 
"web-queue" only

How could i do this, cause i can do that from the mail interface with Procmail 
but i dont see how to do that from the customer web interface.

> > 3) While creating a ticket by emailing the OTRS email address i cannot
> > see the ticket ive created under the customer interface, only in the user
> > interface. is it normal and how could i go against it (filling some
> > headers....?)
> The customer id is the key. You will see all tickets with the same customer
> id of the current customer user. If you use the email interface there will
> be done a lookup (based on the email address) in the customer database. If
> there is no entry (no customer id) then the email address is used as
> customer id.
>  -=> So use the email address as customer id by creating the customer
>   users and you will see the tickets (both, form the customer interface
>   and email interface).
> > ################## CONFIGURATION FILE
> >
> > Vhost.conf
> >
> >  </VirtualHost>
> > <VirtualHost>
> >  ServerName xxx
> >  DirectoryIndex /
> >  Alias /otrs-web "/home/httpd/htdocs/otrs/var/httpd/htdocs/"
> >  DocumentRoot /home/httpd/htdocs/otrs/bin/cgi-bin
> >  Perlrequire /home/httpd/htdocs/otrs/scripts/
> >
> >  <Location "/home/httpd/htdocs/otrs/bin/cgi-bin">
> >     SetHandler  perl-script
> >     PerlHandler Apache::Registry
> >     Options ExecCGI
> >     PerlSendHeader On
> >  </Location>
> > [...]
> This looks fine. Maybe you also will have a look at the performance page
> at -=> Performance Tuning -=> Webserver. :)
> > Vinni
>   -Martin
> --
> Martin Edenhofer - <martin at> -
> --
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3ie Epita
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