Hi Wes,

On Fri, Jul 11, 2003 at 04:47:41PM -0400, Wes Plate wrote:
> I received a new ticket from a customer, the auto-reply from OTRS generated
> a mail failure.  Is this an OTRS problem?
> Failed to deliver to '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
> SMTP module(domain xxxx.com) reports:
> message text rejected by mail.xxxx.com:
> 550 5.7.0  UBE messages (code: feedback) are unacceptable.

It's no OTRS problem. This looks like a spam filter from mail.xxxx.com. 
The filter is matching 'feedback'.

UBE = Unsolicited Bulk Email 

 (also known as spam)

More about UBE: http://www.stassen.com/chris/anti-spam/

> -- 
> Wes Plate
>  Automatic Duck, Inc.
>   http://www.wesplate.com
>    http://www.automaticduck.com


Martin Edenhofer - <martin at edenhofer.de> - http://martin.edenhofer.de/
"Security is a process, not a product." - Bruce Schneier

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