
After I install otrs I get a lot of this in my Apache-errorlog:
[Sun Jul 13 13:49:19 2003] null: Apache::StatINC: Can't locate
[Sun Jul 13 13:49:19 2003] null: Apache::StatINC: Can't locate
[Sun Jul 13 13:49:20 2003] null: Apache::StatINC: Can't locate
[Sun Jul 13 13:49:20 2003] null: Apache::StatINC: Can't locate
[Sun Jul 13 13:49:20 2003] null: Apache::StatINC: Can't locate
[Sun Jul 13 13:49:20 2003] null: Apache::StatINC: Can't locate
[Sun Jul 13 13:49:20 2003] null: Apache::StatINC: Can't locate
[Sun Jul 13 13:49:20 2003] null: Apache::StatINC: Can't locate
[Sun Jul 13 13:49:20 2003] null: Apache::StatINC: Can't locate
[Sun Jul 13 13:49:20 2003] null: Apache::StatINC: Can't locate
[Sun Jul 13 13:49:20 2003] null: Apache::StatINC: Can't locate
[Sun Jul 13 13:49:20 2003] null: Apache::StatINC: Can't locate
[Sun Jul 13 13:49:20 2003] null: Apache::StatINC: Can't locate
[Sun Jul 13 13:49:20 2003] null: Apache::StatINC: Can't locate
[Sun Jul 13 13:49:20 2003] null: Apache::StatINC: Can't locate
[Sun Jul 13 13:49:20 2003] null: Apache::StatINC: Can't locate
[Sun Jul 13 13:49:20 2003] null: Apache::StatINC: Can't locate
[Sun Jul 13 13:49:20 2003] null: Apache::StatINC: Can't locate
[Sun Jul 13 13:49:20 2003] null: Apache::StatINC: Can't locate

Have someone an idea what happens wrong on my system?

It is a SuSE8.1 with rpm-Apache,rpm-MySQL and without postfix,
but with qmail.
It seems that otrs is working without any errors (accept the thoussands
entries in the errorlog).

Viele Gruesse,

Peter Padberg                           Pyrmonter Str. 42
Webagentur web4.hm                      31789 Hameln
Geschaeftsfuehrung                      Germany
Telefon: +49-5151 60 99 70-0            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Telefax: +49-5151 60 99 70-1            http://web4.hm

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