Hi Moshe,

On Mon, Jul 14, 2003 at 12:27:28AM +0200, Moshe Livne (Leibovitch) wrote:

> Is there a way of allowing the agent to enter/modify the customer
> information? Or even fill user fields that the user can't see/access.

Yepp, you can set the access group of each Kernel/Modules/* module.

Default is:

    $Self->{'Module::Permission'}->{'AdminCustomerUser'} = 'admin';

Add to Kernel/Config.pm:

    $Self->{'Module::Permission'}->{'AdminCustomerUser'} = 'users';

And add an http link to your navigation template (
Kernel/Output/HTML/Standard/AgentNavigationBar.dtl) like:

<a href="$Env{"Baselink"}Action=AdminCustomerUser">Edit Customers</a>

See also: http://doc.otrs.org/1.1/html/permission-module.html

> Regards,
> Moshe


Martin Edenhofer - <martin at edenhofer.de> - http://martin.edenhofer.de/
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