Hi all,

I have modified OTRS to include TicketHookDivider support in version 1.1.3
(listed in the TODO and slated for 1.2). After applying the patch, you will
be able to alter the default TicketHook/TicketNumber divider from ": " to
whatever you'd like. I use "-" to prevent Outlook and other programs from
confusing our TicketHook with "Re:" For example, instead of "[Ticket#:
1234567890]" appearing in the subject, it will now show
"[Ticket#<TicketHookDivider>1234567890]". I've also modified the regexes in
the AutoIncrement, Date, DateChecksum, and Random ticket generator pm files
to recognize the ticket number regardless of the value for TicketHookDivider
(in the event that you change it tickets will continue going to the proper

It will also move the "Re:" that is appended to replies to the very
beginning of the subject, instead of at the end of the TicketHook and number
to prevent an endless loop of "Re:" from appearing in the subject line when
dealing with MS clients.

I tried sending the patch file as an attachment, however the message was
rejected for being too large. Unless someone here knows how to make diff
make smaller files, I guess that's not an option.

Hope this is useful for someone else,

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