Okay, here's some more info.

The beeping was back this morning.  In this case, it was choking on a 4.4 MB
email.  Interestingly, in the last two cases (I can't remember about the
previous times that I had problems) the emails it had problems with were
emails that were sent from OTRS to the customer but the account that OTRS
uses to receive emails was CC'd on the outgoing email.  (Long story why we
do that.)

Our server is Windows 2000 Pro SP3, running OTRS 1.1.3.  It's a 700 MHz NEC
machine with a 15 GB hard drive and 512 MB RAM.  There's nothing running on
that machine other than OTRS.

When I run PostMasterPOP3.pl, it waits for a while, then prints out a
message that MySQL has gone away, then it prints out the raw email... Then
it looks like it's printing out the rendered file for some reason.  (The
emails that are having problems all contain attachments.)  Next time it
happens, I'll try to capture the console output.

Chris Salter

-----Original Message-----
Chris Salter
Sent: September 3, 2003 11:30 AM
Subject: RE: [otrs] PostMasterPOP3.pl

Here's a follow-up to an old topic...

The "beeping" phenomenon is back.  It choked on a 1.6MB email on Friday.
Nothing special about the email, that I could tell.  There was also a 64MB
email in the inbox, but it just skipped over it and didn't try to download
it.  It did print a message saying "Message too big" and went on to the
problem email.  I'm not sure what it was doing, but it tried to print the
1.6MB email to the console, which is what caused the beeping.  Any ideas why
it would do that?  And why is it printing that sort of character?  It's
obviously not printing just the raw email, because if I remember correctly
raw emails don't contain control characters (such as the "beep" character).

Yes, the 64MB email is outrageously large, but a 1.6MB email doesn't seem
particularly large.  I can't imagine that OTRS should ever choke on an email
of that size.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks!

Chris Salter

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Chris
Sent: August 5, 2003 9:57 AM
Subject: RE: [otrs] PostMasterPOP3.pl


I had a 19MB email (19 megs of screenshots, believe it or not) come in to
our system last week, with the same results.  Win2K, running OTRS 1.1.3.
Every once in a while OTRS will choke on emails over 2MB, but normally it at
least is good up to 5MB.  Above that, it's pretty much guaranteed to choke.

With the 19MB email, we discovered the problem because OTRS was trying to
print the email to the console window, causing our server to beep like

Chris Salter

-----Original Message-----
Covert, Jake
Sent: August 5, 2003 9:28 AM
Subject: RE: [otrs] PostMasterPOP3.pl

It was on a Win2k machine, being run by mstask.exe (Microsoft's task
scheduler), so I'm now suspicious that it might have been the culprit.

-----Original Message-----
From: Yong Li [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2003 8:46 AM
Subject: Re: [otrs] PostMasterPOP3.pl

> "Covert, Jake" wrote:
> Once of my customers was gracious enough to try and email us a 30 Meg
> file as an attachment.  When PostMasterPOP3.pl tried to get it, it
> hung (obviously...).
> My question is this:  Is there any email input size restrictions on
> PostMasterPOP3.pl? I know that otrs and mysql can both set their own
> limits, but this would prevent it from even coming into the system.

There is one default limit of 6M of email size in Default.pm:

    # --------------------------------------------------- #
    #                                                     #
    #             Start of config options!!!              #
    #                 PostMaster stuff                    #
    #                                                     #
    # --------------------------------------------------- #


    # PostMasterPOP3MaxSize
    # (max. email size)
    $Self->{PostMasterPOP3MaxEmailSize} = 1024 * 6;

So PostMasterPOP3.pl should handle (skip) it, but I have no idea of why it

Best regards,
Yong Li
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