Hi all,

I'm attempting to set up a system where less-experienced agents are able to
move tickets that require higher levels of support into a queue set up for
that purpose, however I am unable to get the permissions set correctly in
order to do this. When a user is given RO access only (which I assume is
read-only) to a queue, the queue does not appear in the drop down box as an
option. It only appears when RW is selected, but that gives the agent access
to a queue that I prefer they not have.

Is it possible within the current framework to set this system up? Here are
specific settings that I think are relevant to the discussion:

    # ShowCustomerSelection   
    # (show customer selection in phone and change customer view
    # - disable this for ASP!) [0|1]
    $Self->{ShowCustomerSelection} = 1;
    # QueueViewAllPossibleTickets
    # (show all ro and rw queues - not just rw queues)
    $Self->{QueueViewAllPossibleTickets} = 1;

    # MoveInToAllQueues -> useful for ASP
    # (Possible to move in all queue? Not only queue which
    # the own groups) [1|0]
    $Self->{MoveInToAllQueues} = 0;


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