We would like to use the free fields for request types (breakfix, work order, user help, etc), and the second for request category (UNIX server, Windows server, PC, etc).  I have no problem with how to use them as is, but I would rather avoid having our agents have to type the key in all the time (type for 1 and category for 2).  It looks like a change to AgentText.dtl such as listed below would do the trick, are there any problems with this method?



<form action="" method="post">

<input type="hidden" name="Action" value="AgentFreeText">

<input type="hidden" name="Subaction" value="Update">

<input type="hidden" name="TicketID" value="$Data{"TicketID"}">

  <table border="0">


    <td width="20"></td>





    <td>Request Type</td> # - Note – I’d actually like to delete this line

    <td><input type="text" name="FreeKey1" value="Type" readonly size="20">:</td>

    <td><select name="FreeText1"> <option selected>(Choose One)


        <option>Work Order

        <option>User Help






    <td>Category</td> # - Note – I’d actually like to delete this line

    <td><input type="text" name="FreeKey2" value="Category" readonly size="20">:</td>

    <td><select name="FreeText2"> <option selected>(Choose One)




        <option>Empire Time

        <option>File Restore


        <option>General Information





        <option>PC Hardware

        <option>PC Software


        <option>Printer Support

        <option>Remote Access

        <option>Security Windows Server

        <option>Security UNIX Server




        <option>UNIX Server

        <option>User Modify/Password Reset


        <option>Windows Server






<input class="button" type="submit" value="$Text{"update"}">



One problem I have with this is that the current values for the fields don’t show when you navigate to the screen.  I thought I might need to use the statement below, but I’m obviously doing something wrong.  If someone could point me in the right direction it would be appreciated.



    <td>Request Type</td>

    <td><input type="text" name="FreeKey1" value="Type" readonly size="20">:</td


 <td><select name="FreeText1"> <option selected><dtl ($Data{"TicketFreeString1";})>

#    <td><select name="FreeText1"> <option selected>(Choose One)


        <option>Work Order

        <option>User Help






The next step would be adding these fields to the Status section of the AgentZoom.dtl and somewhere on the PhoneView screen so that the agents don’t have to navigate to the free fields screen to set them (because they WILL forget).  I’m not sure what I would need to change as far as the form actions to make that work or if this is even possible, so any feedback on this would be appreciated as well.


Thanks, we recently went live with OTRS and it is working very well for us!





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