Dear List,

I've some generel question about the integration of
Monitoring-Systems into OTRS.

We are using a network-based host- and service-monitoring
tool that sends different notifications via email (or
anything else that can be written into a shell-skript).

As every incoming email generates a new ticket in OTRS
I want some integration that the monitoring server does
not sends mails, but opens new tickets, inserts follow-
ups and also closes tickets (on recovery of a problem, e.g.)

As I drawed already a compley picture of such a setup
in my mind I just wanted to ask / discuss:
- if somebody has experiences on such a task here?
- if it is the best way to (mis-)use the GenericAgent
  for such a job?
- does the GenericAgent can create new tickets at all,
  or does the GenericAgent is always based on already
  existing tickets?
- should I write a whole OTRS-LowLevel-Module which
  analyses the incoming events and inserts directly
  into the database?
- is there any better (generic) API available for OTRS?

Thanks for all input!

Matthias Eichler

Matthias Eichler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
kernzeit AG

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