On Fri, 13 Aug 2004 12:06:22 +0100, Paul J Hickman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> As part of an ongoing project, i am currently trying to write scripts
> that will automatically alter the details stored by OTRS. I have been
> able to write scripts such that i can create and alter articles, users,
> groups etc. But have been unable to create tickets externally. Although
> the ticket table shows the updates, they are not shown by the GUI.

I might also be involved in something similar so let me try to bounce
off ideas. From just a simple browse of all the tables it seems like
for every ticket, we might have to mess with these tables:


Are you sure you have gone through these tables?

> 2 - Altering the database without passing through OTRS violates some
> internal checking.

I haven't had a chance yet to go through all the code but I'd be
surprised if the system was designed that way. Even if there any
internal checks they should be persistent and hence stored in database
again. So try looking at other places.

> 3 - The database record becomes corrupted im performing the insertion.

This is always a major problem. But I am hoping, depending on your
application, you are using probably some sort of DB layer to do the
manual work for you. They normally take care of that stuff for you.

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