On Wed, 03 Nov 2004 13:43:55 -0500, Andrew Blackstone
>  Hey all I'm a relatively new OTRS user and I'm just exploring the program
> for future use.  My issue is how do I allow certain customers to view others
> tickets?  I need to be able to allow all the customers within a company to
> see each others tickets but not those of other companies under the company
> ticket tab.  I have enabled Customer groups but have found that to be of no
> help, I'm probably missing something simple just haven't been able to solve
> the problem.  Thanks for your time!
>  Andrew

Read up on MultiCustomerIDS here: 


This will allow users to have a primary id and secondary ids (company
ids).  Only those users that have the same secondary id will be able
to see tickets that have the same id assigned to it.


Tyler Hepworth
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