I'm using OTRS 1.3.2

When I create a phone ticket and type "someone's computer needs blah
blah" in the subject and then finish out filling the rest of the ticket
and then click on create I get this error message:

Error: called with 2 bind variables when 0 are needed, SQL: 'INSERT INTO
article  (ticket_id, article_type_id, article_sender_type_id, a_from,
a_reply_to, a_to,  a_cc, a_subject, a_message_id, a_body,
a_content_type, content_path,  valid_id, incoming_time,  create_time,
create_by, change_time, change_by)  VALUES  (36, 5, 3,  '"csheline
csheline" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>', '', 'normal', '',  'carl\'s computer',
'', ?, 'text/plain\; charset=iso-8859-15', ?,  1,  1120157813,
current_timestamp, 2, current_timestamp, 2)'

So I hit the back button take out the apostrophe and create the ticket
no problem.

But the error message generated a ticket ID without an article.  I
delete the ticket ID and everything seems ok.

I have 2 questions:

1.  Can I use apostrophes at all?

2.  Every time I get an error message like the one above will I get data


Carl Sheline
School of Dentistry
Loma Linda University
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