On Wed, 2005-09-21 at 16:48 +0100, Stephen Jones wrote:
> Hi, I'm attempting to modify an existing OTRS install so as to enable
> the customer frontend. We have an MySQL db for holding customer data
> which I'm attempting to add passwords to so customers can use it. I've
> added "['UserPassword','Password','CT_ACCOUNT',0,1,'var']" to
> $Self->{CustomerUser}->{Map}, and added the line "$Self->{'AuthModule'}
> = 'Kernel::System::Auth::DB';" in Config.pm. However when I try to set a
> password through the Admin interface I get this error:
> Sep 21 14:49:02 xtr2 OTRS-CGI-1[16325]:
> [Error][Kernel::System::CustomerUser::DB::CustomerUserUpdate][Line:431]:
> Unknown column 'change_time' in 'field list', SQL: 'UPDATE CONTACT SET
> CT_FNAME = 'Stephen',  CT_LNAME = 'Jones',  CT_CONAME = '****',  CT_EMAL
> = '****',  CT_EMAL = '****',  CT_IDNO = '2445',  CT_BPHN = '****',
> CT_BPHN2 = '',  CT_BMAINPHN = '',  CT_MOB = '****', CT_APHN = '',
> CT_HPHN = '****',  change_time = current_timestamp,  change_by = 1
> WHERE CT_EMAL = '****''
> As far as I can tell change_time and change_by are used by OTRS for
> Tickets, so does anyone know why they're turning up in this statement?

It seems that the fields change_time and change_by are hardcoded into
the CustomerUserUpdate function, does anyone know why? Has anyone
successfully enabled the customer frontend for an existing SQL customer
database? Anyone know if I can remove the lines:
    $SQL .= " change_time = current_timestamp, ";
    $SQL .= " change_by = $Param{UserID} ";
>From Kernel/System/CustomerUser/DB.pm?
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