
We have set up OTRS 2.0.4 under Debian, where incoming e-mails are received by Exim and fed into PostMaster.pl, and have just started experimenting with PostMaster filters.

The problem we're trying to solve is the following:

We would like to move all incoming e-mails to a specific queue, i.e. set the X-OTRS-Queue header, depending on which e-mail address the e-mail was addressed to, but *only* do this for tickets that are new. (Otherwise, if an administrator/agent moves the ticket to another queue, sends a reply to the customer, and the customer replies back, the ticket will be moved back to the "Raw" queue.)

I have tried creating the following filter:

Filtername:     upunets-to

Header 1:       To                      Contents: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Header 2:       X-OTRS-State            Contents: new

Header 1:       X-OTRS-Queue            UpUnet-S Support

However, this does not work. Incoming e-mails never match the filter. The OTRS log says:

[Fri Dec 16 13:54:14 2005][Notice][Kernel::System::Ticket::TicketCreate] New Ticket [2005121610000251/Test] created (TicketID=500,Queue=Raw,Priority=3 normal,State=new)

If I remove the X-OTRS-State match, and only match on the To field, everything works fine. For example:

[Fri Dec 16 12:29:48 2005][Notice][Kernel::System::PostMaster::Filter::MatchDBSource::Run] Filter: 'upunets-to' Set param 'X-OTRS-Queue' to 'UpUnet-S Support' (Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>) [Fri Dec 16 12:29:48 2005][Notice][Kernel::System::Ticket::TicketCreate] New Ticket [2005121610000241/VB: SV: Skype] created (TicketID=499,Queue=UpUnet-S Support,Priority=3 normal,State=new)

Does anyone know why the X-OTRS-State match doesn't match? Any input on this would be highly appreciated!

Many thanks in advance!

Best regards,
Björn Wiberg
Uppsala University
IT Support Department
Uppsala, Sweden
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