Apologies for asking a MySQL question, but it's what we use on the back
end of OTRS 1.2.3.

How do we set the MaxPacketSize to be greater than the default 1Mb and
persist after bootup? Otherwise, anything over 1Mb gets stuck in the
Mailbox. We did increase it but on a recent reboot, it's defaulted to
1Mb again.

Sorry, I'm not a MySQL nor a Linux expert.

Rajendrakumar Premji Varsani BSc (Hons)
Database & Application Support Team
Telephone: 01904 45 5805  Mobile: 07968 243125
Room134, Mallard House, PSD, Kings Pool, York, YO1 7PX 

PSD Website: http://www.pesticides.gov.uk  

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