> I've recently setup an otrs system on debian, using the apt-get process,
> everything worked and the system appears functional, however, when a request 
> is
> sent via email, the ticket is created, however the end user does not receive a
> notification that a ticket was created nor does the support staff, even though
> the system log says that the notification was sent, the MTA log (exim) does 
> not
> have any events for those notifications, when I close the ticket through the 
> web
> interface the end user receives that notification, the support staff does not
How did you set up Debian to handle mail? I believe that's key. Make sure you 
set it up as an Internet Site that sends and receives mail itself. I'm sure 
there is someone on this list that understands mail routing more than I that 
can give some insight. It must be an exim configuration but I'm suprised there 
is nothing in /var/log/exim4/mainlog

One of the first thing I did when I installed OTRS on Debian was to install 
postfix which removes exim, only because I know a little about postfix and 
nothing about exim.

Good Luck!

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