Christian:  Thank you for the feedback!

I have set it up that way and am working through some issues, but the question I have is: If I set the SystemID variables too close together, panics.

For instance, if #1 is SystemID 01 and #2 is SystemID 02, then they conflict on memory space (it appears).

If #1 is SystemID 01 and #2 is SystemID 20, then they do not conflict. It looks like in, shmget is using SystemID as a parameter in grabbing shared memory. Am I reading this right, and can this problem be duplicated?

Matt Linton             "So, you think there's no money
UNIX/Linux SysAdmin      to be made as a philosophy major?
ASANI Solutions, LLC     Think again!    You're still right."

Christian Schoepplein wrote:

Hi Matt,

On Fri, Apr 21, 2006 at 11:37:25AM -0700, Matt Linton wrote:
I'd like to allow multiple software groups within our single organization to handle their own "issue reporting" via OTRS. Since I don't want to manage multiple servers, and want them each to have full administrative control over their own FAQ entries, customer users, etc -- I had planned on installing multiple OTRS installations like this:

ScriptAlias /otrs1/  /local/otrs1
ScriptAlias /otrs2/ /local/otrs2
(and so on...)

Problem is, I'm running into wierd behaviors with the secondary and other OTRS's. seems to use the OTRS ID as a function for grabbing memory for logging. Is that true? If I set my server IDs "1" and "2" then #2 has memory conflicts, but if I set them to "1" and "20" then it seems fine.

You have to use different system IDS for the different OTRS instances:

   $Self->{'SystemID'} = ...

I use 3 different OTRS instances (without mod_perl" and it works fine.

Has anyone done this before, and does anyone know how to accomplish it better, perhaps?

The way you like to do it is perfect, only take on the different SystemIDs and the different aliases in the web server configuration. Also do only use mod_perl for one instance.

Matt Linton



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