
Abdelrahman schrieb:

I had to add somethings to ticket.pm but it worked like a charm.....

Although i wasn't satisfied by the graph generated
Is there a way to generate a bar graph instead of the broken line..

See ~/Kernel/Module/SystemStats.pm

You can use Graph(|Line|Bars|Pie) as graphic types.


I have another question,

it there a way to map my ldap groups to the customer groups in otrs and
generate a report that is grouped by customer group

I don't have know how on customer groups.
You use groupOfUniqueNames or posixGroups on LDAP?
Perhaps you can map CustomerID to a specific LDAP-value - but this would be a N:1-relationship.


Bye, Alex

On Tue, 2006-05-16 at 10:39 +0200, Alexander Scholler wrote:

Abdelrahman schrieb:
Hi all,
I am enjoying OTRS, it is the best open source help desk i found until now, the problem is that i need to OTRS to produce reports more than those i found in the stats module?! I thought about using a thirdparty product to produce the reports but my boss won't agree about that because he needs a complete solution, therefore, he will need to produce the reports from the stats module.
So you know the SQL-statements producing the stats you want.
Did any one design any custom reports?!
1) Make a copy of AccountedTime.pm, clear this files (delete all you don't need) and

2) e.g. replace the sub Run with this on

sub Run {
     my $Self = shift;
     my %Param = @_;
     $Param{Month} = sprintf("%02d", $Param{Month});
     my $Title = "$Param{Name} $Param{Year}-$Param{Month}";
     my @HeadData = ('CustomerID', 'Tickets', 'Articles', 'Time');
     my @Data = ();
     # get accounted time
     my $Days = Days_in_Month($Param{Year},$Param{Month});
     my @Tickets = ();

     my $SQL = <<ENDE;
  customer_id AS Amt,
  COUNT(id) AS Tickets,
SUM((SELECT COUNT(id) FROM article WHERE ticket_id = t.id)) AS Aktivitaeten, CAST(SUM((SELECT SUM(time_unit) FROM time_accounting WHERE ticket_id = t.id)) AS UNSIGNED) AS Stunden
FROM ticket t
WHERE create_time >= '$Param{Year}-$Param{Month}-01 00:00:01'
AND create_time <= '$Param{Year}-$Param{Month}-$Days 23:59:59'
GROUP BY customer_id;

     $Self->{DBObject}->Prepare(SQL => $SQL);
     while (my @Row = $Self->{DBObject}->FetchrowArray()) {
         push (@Data, [EMAIL PROTECTED]);

     return ([$Title],[EMAIL PROTECTED], @Data);

3) correct the package name at the top of the file.

4) insert into ~/Kernel/Config/Files/Ticket.xml

<ConfigItem Name="SystemStatsMap###Ticket::StatsOwn1" Required="0" Valid="1"> <Description Lang="en">support done per customer# (customer_id)</Description> <Description Lang="de">geleisteter Support pro Kunden# (customer_id)</Description>
                 <Item Key="Name">Support pro Kunden#</Item>
<Item Key="Module">Kernel::System::Stats::Support_per_Customer_id</Item> <Item Key="Desc">Support der insgesamt fuer Tickets geleistet wurde, die innerhalb des Zeitraumes -erstellt- wurden, gruppiert nach Kunden#</I
                 <Item Key="SumCol">1</Item>
                 <Item Key="UseResultCache">0</Item>
                 <Item Key="Output">
                 <Item Key="OutputDefault">Print</Item>

I didn't find anything in the developer documentation and i didn't understand a thing from the *.pm in system\stats\ on the server HELP
Bye, Alex
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