Christopher Scott wrote:

When trying to hit my new ITRS install, I get:

     Software error:
     at /var/www/otrs/Kernel/Config/ line 1803.

Looking at my Apache error log shows:

ERROR: /opt/otrs/RELEASE does not exist! This file is needed by central system parts of OTRS, the system will not work without this file. [Wed Dec 06 09:26:10 2006] [error] at /var/www/otrs/Kernel/Config/ line 1803.\n

However, my OTRS install is stored in /var/www/otrs, not /opt/otrs.

Looking at shows the {Home} variable - this is clearly the issue; {Home} is set to be /opt.

My question is: where does the {Home} value get set?

The script might fix this for you. I guess you will find it as /var/www/otrs/bin/ on your install:

/var/www/otrs/bin/ <OTRS_HOMEDIR> <OTRS_USER> <APACHE_USER>

On my CentOS system I'd use '/opt/otrs otrs apache' as the three arguments, but on your system the first argument would be /var/www/ otrs. Adjust otrs and apache if you use different users for that on your install (I know for instance on Debian systems you'd use www- data as APACHE_USER).

Nils Breunese.

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