I'm using the "backup.pl" script, which works fine and is a big help.

>From looking at the code it's clear that the "-r XX" option is intended to 
>"rotate", or 
delete old, backups. I'm using the suggested "-r 30" setting, but a couple of 
months into it, I have 60 backups, not 30 :-)

I took a look at the section that decides whether or not to delete a dir, and 
it looks 
to me like maybe it used to use only a date string for directory names, and now 
uses date_time... because the pattern matching doesn't allow for the time 

Anyway, a quick test... I renamed an old directory from:

2006-12-15_01-00 to just 2006-12-15

and running "backup.pl -r 30 ..." deleted the directory as advertised.

I'm not able to take the time at the moment to fix this... but thought I would 
document it for others, and maybe someone will come up with a fix before I have 
the time to look at it... say, about 3 -- 6 months :-)

Mike Morris
The Music Place
1617 Willowhurst Avenue
San Jose, CA 95125
(408) 445-ARTS (2787)
    Your Free Quote:
        Parachute for sale, cheap. 
        Only used once, never opened. 
        Slightly soiled.

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