Dear Nils, thank you so much! Your answer was extremely helpful (or maybe I
was too stupid, let's be honest). But just straight bumping
"max_connections" up in my.cnf didn't help alot: now we are running with LA
above 40.0 and the whole system is a bit slow.

And even much worse it is, we are now getting the following out of memory
diagnostics (never seen those before):

[Mon Jun  4 17:05:22 2007] DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Out of
memory (Needed 1603040 bytes) at
/home/otrs/bin/cgi-bin/../../Kernel/System/ line 440.
ERROR: OTRS-CGI-10 Perl: 5.8.8 OS: freebsd Time: Mon Jun  4 17:05:22 2007

Message: Out of memory (Needed 1603040 bytes), SQL: 'SELECT DISTINCT,, st.create_time_unix FROM  ticket st, queue sq  WHERE =
st.queue_id AND st.ticket_state_id IN (1,4,6,7,8) AND st.queue_id IN (24,61)
AND sq.group_id IN (44, 13)  AND LIKE '2007060110510' ORDER BY
st.create_time_unix DESC LIMIT 5000'

Traceback (69122):
  Module: Kernel::System::Ticket::TicketSearch (v1.194) Line: 2484
  Module: Kernel::Modules::AgentTicketSearch::Run (v1.10) Line: 288
  Module: Kernel::System::Web::InterfaceAgent::Run (v1.8) Line: 651
  Module: /home/otrs/bin/cgi-bin/ (v1.80) Line: 47

[Mon Jun  4 17:05:22 2007] DBD::mysql::st fetchrow_array failed:
fetch() without execute() at
/home/otrs/bin/cgi-bin/../../Kernel/System/ line 477.
ERROR: OTRS-CGI-10 Perl: 5.8.8 OS: freebsd Time: Mon Jun  4 17:05:23 2007

Message: Out of memory (Needed 1603040 bytes), SQL: 'SELECT DISTINCT,, st.create_time_unix FROM  ticket st, queue sq  WHERE =
st.queue_id AND st.ticket_state_id IN (1,4,6,7,8) AND st.queue_id IN (24,61)
AND sq.group_id IN (44, 13)  AND LIKE '2007060110316' ORDER BY
st.create_time_unix DESC LIMIT 5000'

Traceback (69134):
  Module: Kernel::System::Ticket::TicketSearch (v1.194) Line: 2484
  Module: Kernel::Modules::AgentTicketSearch::Run (v1.10) Line: 288
  Module: Kernel::System::Web::InterfaceAgent::Run (v1.8) Line: 651
  Module: /home/otrs/bin/cgi-bin/ (v1.80) Line: 47

[Mon Jun  4 17:05:23 2007] DBD::mysql::st fetchrow_array failed:
fetch() without execute() at
/home/otrs/bin/cgi-bin/../../Kernel/System/ line 477.
ERROR: OTRS-CGI-10 Perl: 5.8.8 OS: freebsd Time: Mon Jun  4 17:05:24 2007

Message: Out of memory (Needed 1603040 bytes), SQL: 'SELECT DISTINCT,, st.create_time_unix FROM  ticket st, queue sq  WHERE =
st.queue_id AND st.ticket_state_id IN (1,4,6,7,8) AND st.queue_id IN (24,61)
AND sq.group_id IN (44, 13)  AND LIKE '2007060110532' ORDER BY
st.create_time_unix DESC LIMIT 5000'

Traceback (69119):
  Module: Kernel::System::Ticket::TicketSearch (v1.194) Line: 2484
  Module: Kernel::Modules::AgentTicketSearch::Run (v1.10) Line: 288
  Module: Kernel::System::Web::InterfaceAgent::Run (v1.8) Line: 651
  Module: /home/otrs/bin/cgi-bin/ (v1.80) Line: 47

and ad infinitum. What is the problem with those negligible 1.6Mb of memory
to allocate? I don't bother much, let it consume even 16Mb, we aren't short
in total RAM so far. But where's THIS limit hidden? Somewhere in DBD::mysql
maybe? Or there is some place where system limits are enforced at OTRS
instance? But I can't recall myself imposing any limits on process memory...
and where should I look for it? At least in which direction... it's Perl
started from Apache - I was in a hope that mod_perl works, but top utility
shows me a number of httpd processes and a number of separate perl
processes, so I'm in a doubt now...

Thank you for your time and attention!

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