Mark Nernberg wrote:

Mark Nernberg wrote:

This is a repost, as there has been no positive response. This is now the FOURTH TIME I am posting! Getting some reasonable answer would be nice.

And I didn't mind the second and third time you posted this, but
enough's enough. You're not paying for any kind of support for this
software, so I don't see how you can expect to get an answer to all
questions immediately. If you follow the thread of discussion in here, you'll see that all questions that people actually know the answer to,
get responses.

I've noticed that is not always the case. I don't expect or demand anwers,
but even a clue would be nice.

The problem is probably that nobody on this list has a clue, otherwise you surely would have gotten it.

I also don't expect the answer "immediately".  I've waited a
more-than-respectable amount of time before reposting.

Posting the same question four times and complaining about not getting an answer is just not going to help.

An acknowlegement that there's a problem of some sort in the source would
also be nice.

Again, if someone would know that there is a problem, then they surely would have replied. I have suggested to file a bug at http://, did you do this?

I've also noticed that at some point at least 2 other people have posted
similar posts at some point -- still with no answers.

Simply saying that "The developers are aware that the webmail client is BROKEN." would be sufficient. Ignorance and publicly flaming isn't going to
cut it, though.

This is the OTRS *Users* mailinglist. We apparently just don't know, ok? The devs are not regulars on this list and apparently no one here knows whether the devs are aware of this problem. If you want them to be aware of the problem, I advise you to file a bug report.


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