Sándor Fehér írta:


It did not let me sleep. I investigated the process.
I put a little hack into the ArticleStorageDB.pm which provides me the size of the attachment read. It was correct. The second turn I put the whole encoded content into a temp file.
It's size also looked me good. Then I run
perl -w -MMIME::Base64 -ne 'print decode_base64($_)' <oo.txt >oo.pdf
The result is then the decode process cut the output at 3 Mb however it's 3.5 Mb. It happened at the same size 3104874. It's a kind of magic number. I did not find any restrictions related to MIME::Base64.
Of course I double checked the filesystem allocation as well.
For a different approach I encoded a tgz (quite big, around 35 Mb) then decoded it again
It was perfect.
So I suspect there is "something" in the stored content which drives decode_base64 onto wrong way.



I have an urgent issue. It's unable to download attachments bigger than
3 Mb.
If I click on the attachment link ie show the download size as 3 Mb and
downloads this as a 3 Mb instead of the original size.
TicketZoom shows it's size correctly. Due to this problem I unable to
access some important files.
ArticleStorage backend is DB. DB is Oracle 10g. In article_attachments
table show also the correct size in content_size column.
Thanks a lot.

Regards., Sandor

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