> I changed the following texts in login.pl, but the texts 
> displayed on the webpage are still the same...
> "Login failed! Your username or password was entered incorrectly."
> "Logout successful. Thank you for using OTRS!" etc, etc
> Any ideas what I need to do? 

I think you're supposed to do this in Kernel/Languages. I presume you're using 
English, so edit en.pm and insert the following two lines in the 
"$Self->{Translation}" section:

$Self->{Translation} = {
       'Login failed! Your username or password was entered incorrectly.' => 
'Your new text here'
       'Logout successful. Thank you for using OTRS!' => 'Your new text here' 

If this is the wrong way to do it, hopefully someone will present the correct 
solution. I'm pretty new to OTRS myself.

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