Ceri wrote:

I am trying out OTRS to see if it fits our needs for a helpdesk system.

However I am running into a problem when I try to create a new customer account via customer.pl. When I hit create I get the following error:

Software error:
IO::Handle: bad open mode: >: at /opt/otrs/bin/cgi-bin/../../Kernel/ cpan-lib/MIME/Entity.pm line 1925

It looks like the user account has been created because If I go back and try again it tells me that the account already exists.

It seems your version of IO::Handle doesn't recognise '>:' as an open mode. I'd say the open mode should be something like 'r' (read) or 'w' (write), but I don't know enough Perl to know whether '>:' is some special construct only recognized in newer versions of IO::Handle or something. You could file this as a bug on http://bugs.otrs.org/. The developers may know a fix/workaround.

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