Hi All,

I have a question with escalation.

This is my settings for one queue:

*First Response Time: 1440 (24h)
**Update Time: 2880 (48h)
**Solution Time: 4320 (72h)

*The system open a ticket on 01.07.2008 22:36:39 and the times are showing
as below
*First Response Time:* 43 hours 20 minutes
03.07.2008 19:00
  *Update Time:* 137 hours 20 minutes
07.07.2008 17:00
  *Solution Time:* 183 hours 20 minutes
09.07.2008 15:00

Its completely wrong! Anyone have some tip?

Another question: My notifications are send with problems of language
charset, but when i try change utf-8 to iso-8859-1 in Core (in web
administration)*, *the system dont update this setting...

I appreciated any tip about this 2 questions.

Thanks a Lot

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