Hi, all.  I really want to get OTRS going, but my boss is going to go for
a commercial alternative if I don't figure out what's up with the
notifications not going out.  E-mail gets sent fine from the box; that
being said, I'm currently pointing it via SMTP to our primary internal
SMTP server.  And nothing.  No longs, no nuttin'.

    $Self->{'SendmailModule'} = 'Kernel::System::Email::SMTP';
    $Self->{'SendmailModule::Host'} = 'postal';
    $Self->{'SendmailModule::Port'} = '25';
    $Self->{'SendmailModule::AuthUser'} = '';
    $Self->{'SendmailModule::AuthPassword'} = '';

which should work fine, as postal has an open relay.  And yet -- no
notifications go out.  Is there something I'm missing -- maybe even
something really dumb?  (Oh, and, for the record, this appears to be an
OTRS issue, and not a mail issue -- no attempts to send mail are noted in
/var/log/syslog, no mail is received, nothing's in the mail queue.  So I
do think I'm missing Something Dumb in OTRS.)

Thanks much!


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