On 29.10.09 15:54, Leonardo Certuche wrote:
>    Hello there,
>    I've been trying to connect my OTRS on linux to a MSSQL database
>    without success. After reading
>    [1]http://www.savelono.com/linux/how-to-configure-linux-odbc-connection
>    s-for-ms-sql.html and [2]http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/6636, it's
>    clear that I need freetds and unixodbc in order to configure the ODBC
>    but I also need perl-DBI and perl-DBD-ODBC in order to allow OTRS to
>    actually use the mentioned ODBC. I've tried with fedora 11 in which the
>    freeTDS part works great but the perl-DBD-ODBC does not. On the other
>    hand I tried with opensuse 10.3 in which the per-DBD part is working
>    but the freetds is not.
>    I just want advice on which linux distro use in order to easily
>    accomplish this setup. I'm willing to compile from source anything, I
>    just want some directions from people who have successfully
>    accomplished this kind of connection.
>    Thanks in advance for your help,
>    Leonardo Certuche

I'm with CentOS but I'm not using the distro packaged Perl extensions,
I installed with perl shell and CPAN as suggested here:

Worth noticing I'm not using ODBC but might be a good change for you try
out the perl modules in CPAN.


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