Hi Sarper,
The same error is there with the below config.

Thanks and Regards,
Ashish Gangani,

On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 8:38 PM, Sarper SARIDAL <sarper.sari...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Could you please try using the code below and remove any section regarding
> with ldap.
> define your ad hostname like contoso.com (yourcompanyname.suffix)
> create a user under users like otrsadmin (yourotrsadminaccount)
> It should fix your issues.
> Do not associate the backend with active directory use database instead.
> # --- Customer ---
>       $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule'} =
> 'Kernel::System::CustomerAuth::LDAP';
>       $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::Host'} =
> 'yourcompanyname.suffix';
>       $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::BaseDN'} =
> 'dc=yourcompanyname,dc=suffix';
>       $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::UID'} = 'sAMAccountName';
>       $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::SearchUserDN'} =
> 'cn=yourotrsadminaccount,cn=users,dc=yourcompanyname,dc=suffix';
>       $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::SearchUserPw'} =
> 'passwordoftheotrsadminuser';
>       $Self->{CustomerUser} = {
>         Module => 'Kernel::System::CustomerUser::LDAP',
>         Params => {
>         Host => yourcompanyname.suffix,
>         BaseDN => 'dc=yourcompanyname,dc=suffix',
>         SSCOPE => 'sub',
>         UserDN
> =>'cn=yourotrsadminaccount,cn=users,dc=yourcompanyname,dc=suffix',
>         UserPw => 'passwordoftheotrsadminuser',
>       },
>       CustomerKey => 'sAMAccountName',
>       CustomerID => 'physicalDeliveryOfficeName',
>       CustomerUserListFields => ['sAMAccountName', 'cn', 'mail'],
>       CustomerUserSearchFields => ['sAMAccountName', 'cn', 'mail'],
>       CustomerUserSearchPrefix => '',
>       CustomerUserSearchSuffix => '*',
>       CustomerUserSearchListLimit => 250,
>       CustomerUserPostMasterSearchFields => ['mail'],
>       CustomerUserNameFields => ['givenname', 'sn'],
>       Map => [
>         [ 'UserFirstname', 'Firstname', 'givenname', 1, 1, 'var' ],
>         [ 'UserLastname', 'Lastname', 'sn', 1, 1, 'var' ],
>         [ 'UserLogin', 'Login', 'sAMAccountName', 1, 1, 'var' ],
>         [ 'UserEmail', 'Email', 'mail', 1, 1, 'var' ],
>         [ 'UserCustomerID', 'CustomerID', 'physicalDeliveryOfficeName', 0,
> 1, 'var' ],
>         [ 'UserPhone', 'Phone', 'telephonenumber', 1, 0, 'var' ],
>      ],
>  };
> On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 3:57 PM, Ashish Gangani <
> ashish.gang...@vyomlabs.com> wrote:
>> Hi Team,
>>  I Have problem with Microsoft ADS LDAP Auth. The customer Auth giving me
>> the following error
>> ERROR: OTRS-CGI-10 Perl: 5.8.8 OS: linux Time: Mon Nov 23 19:11:26 2009
>> Message: Need CustomerID!!!
>> Traceback (6147):
>>    Module: Kernel::Output::HTML::Layout::CustomerError (v1.176.2.2) Line:
>> 4120
>>    Module: Kernel::Modules::CustomerTicketOverView::Run (v1.50) Line: 77
>>    Module: Kernel::System::Web::InterfaceCustomer::Run (v1.41.2.1) Line:
>> 852
>>    Module: /opt/otrs/bin/cgi-bin/customer.pl (v1.42) Line: 48
>> the Kernel\Config.pm file is like this :-
>> # ADS LDAP Server Auth Config
>>  $Self->{'AuthModule'} = 'Kernel::System::Auth::LDAP';
>>  $Self->{'AuthModule::LDAP::Host'} = '';
>>  $Self->{'AuthModule::LDAP::BaseDN'} = 'dc=example,dc=com';
>>  $Self->{'AuthModule::LDAP::UID'} = 'sAMAccountName';
>>  # FOR Search in LDAP
>>  $Self->{'AuthModule::LDAP::SearchUserDN'} =
>> 'CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com';
>>  $Self->{'AuthModule::LDAP::SearchUserPw'} = 'PASSWORD';
>>  $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule'} = 'Kernel::System::CustomerAuth::LDAP';
>>  $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::Host'} = '';
>>  $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::BaseDN'} = 'dc=example,dc=com';
>>  $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::UID'} = 'sAMAccountName';
>>  $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::SearchUserDN'} =
>> 'CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com';
>>  $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::SearchUserPw'} = 'PASSWORD';
>>  # CustomerUser1
>>    # (customer user ldap backend and settings)
>>  $Self->{CustomerUser1} = {
>>  Module => 'Kernel::System::CustomerUser::LDAP',
>>      Params => {
>>         Host => '',   # ldap host
>>         BaseDN => 'dc=example,dc=com', # ldap base dn
>>         SSCOPE => 'sub',         # search scope (one|sub)
>>         # The following is valid but would only be necessary if the
>>         # anonymous user does NOT have permission to read from the LDAP
>> tree
>>         UserDN => 'CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com',
>>         UserPw => 'PASSWORD',
>>         AlwaysFilter => '',
>>         SourceCharset => 'utf-8',
>>         DestCharset => 'iso-8859-1',
>>   },
>>   # customer uniq id
>>  CustomerKey => 'sAMAccountName',
>>      # customer #
>>      CustomerID =>  'mail',
>>      CustomerUserListFields => [ 'cn', 'mail'],
>>      CustomerUserSearchFields => ['sAMAccountName', 'cn', 'mail'],
>>      CustomerUserSearchPrefix => '',
>>      CustomerUserSearchSuffix => '*',
>>      CustomerUserSearchListLimit => 250,
>>      CustomerUserPostMasterSearchFields => ['mail'],
>>      CustomerUserNameFields => ['givenname', 'sn'],
>>  CustomerUserExcludePrimaryCustomerID => 0,
>>      Map => [
>>        # note: Login, Email and CustomerID needed!
>>        # var, frontend, storage, shown, required, storage-type
>>        #[ 'UserSalutation', 'Title', 'title', 1, 0, 'var' ],
>>         [ 'UserFirstname', 'Firstname', 'givenname', 1, 1, 'var' ],
>>         [ 'UserLastname', 'Lastname', 'sn', 1, 1, 'var' ],
>>         [ 'UserLogin', 'Login', 'sAMAccountName', 1, 1, 'var' ],
>>         [ 'UserEmail', 'Email', 'mail', 1, 1, 'var' ],
>>         [ 'UserCustomerID', 'CustomerID', 'mail', 0, 1, 'var' ],
>>         [ 'UserPhone', 'Phone', 'telephonenumber', 1, 0, 'var' ],
>>         #[ 'UserAddress', 'Address', 'postaladdress', 1, 0, 'var' ],
>>         #[ 'UserComment', 'Comment', 'description', 1, 0, 'var' ],
>>       ],
>>  };
>> And also my agent has some problem with LDAP Auth
>> it is giving the Error Like this :-
>> Panic, user authenticated but no user data can be found in OTRS DB!!
>> Perhaps the user is invalid.
>>   Please Help me to solve me this problem.
>> --
>> Thanks and Regards,
>> Ashish Gangani,
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