
I'd love to have better news, but I don't, here is the outcome from
following the 

   - mysqldump seems to have a problem dealing with large backups (see
   http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=9756 and
   http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=40789). Our database is 3GB, backup
   happens, but when trying to restore it we got errors such as Unknown command
   '\0'. or  Unknown command '\"'.
   - after mysqldump, the FAQ article recommends a drop of the database.
   WRONG ADVICE! it'd be safer to recommend a mv /var/lib/mysql/otrs
   /var/lib/mysql/otrs2. At least that way you won't loose the data that your
   just-created-backup won't let you restore
   - following step is running
/opt/otrs/scripts/tools/charset-convert.plbut this script returns an
Out of memory! message. I changed ulimit memory
   values to the maximum but the out of memory message keeps showing

So it was impossible for us to follow the FAQ article steps. mysqldump seems
to be working with smaller files so we're currently trying to open the 3GB
sql file with a text editor (emeditor seems to be the weapon of choice) to
remove the heaviest insert lines (the ones during the first month when we
used to store attachments on database) to see if it can be restored.

Any advice is much appreciated.


Leonardo Certuche

2010/7/1 Leonardo Certuche <leonardo.certu...@itconsultores.com.co>

> We're closer!
> Comparing the server characterset of the old mysql and the new one, we
> found that the old one was latin1 while the new one is utf8, we also found a
> nice FAQ entry that explains how to do the opposite procedure at
> http://faq.otrs.org/otrs/public.pl?Action=PublicFAQ&ItemID=315 so we'll
> follow it "backwards" tonight and let you know.
> Thanks for listening :)
> Leonardo Certuche
> www.itconsultores.com.co
> 2010/7/1 Leonardo Certuche <leonardo.certu...@itconsultores.com.co>
>> Hello,
>> We're still facing some problems but have solved some others. Here's the
>> current status:
>> Text with spanish characters were truncated from tickets, event
>> attachments were gone. After running REPARE TABLE to the database tables,
>> part of the problem was solved but our queues named with spanish characters
>> still show wrong :(
>> Any hint towards resolving this issue is much appreciated, here's the
>> environment:
>> openSUSE 11.2 "Emerald" - Kernel "
>> MySQL 5.1.36-log
>> Perl 5.10.0 (linux)
>> Apache/2.2.13
>> mod_perl/2.0.4
>> collation on database: utf8_general_ci
>> DefaultCharSet on SysConfig is iso-8859-1
>> Thanks,
>> Leonardo Certuche
>> www.itconsultores.com.co
>> 2010/7/1 Leonardo Certuche <leonardo.certu...@itconsultores.com.co>
>> Hi there,
>>> Last night we migrated our production server from 2.4.5 to 2.4.7. Since
>>> both are 2.4.* we didn't run any DBUpdate-to-2.4-post* script, just
>>> installed 2.4.7 on a fresh server (opensuse 11.2), moved the database from
>>> the old one (opensuse 10.3), moved all customizations and started the new
>>> server. Everything seemed fine at first but today we're facing two issues:
>>>    1. Special characters from spanish like ñ, á, é, í, ó, ú are not
>>>    correctly shown on the front end. For instance there is a queue called
>>>    Campañas which looks perfect on phpmyadmin but it's shown on the front 
>>> end
>>>    as Campañas. Charset on the database remains the same of the old server
>>>    (utf8_general_ci) while DefaultCharset on sysconfig was iso-8859-1.
>>>    I've changed it to variations such as iso-8859-15 (which appears as the
>>>    a_content_type of most articles) but still no luck :(
>>>    2. We're getting the following error randomly when trying to create
>>>    new tickets:
>>>    Error: Can't get ArticleID from INSERT!
>>>    I was googling about this error but there are only old entries like
>>>    this: http://bugs.otrs.org/show_bug.cgi?id=319
>>> Thanks in advance for any help.
>>> Leonardo Certuche
>>> www.itconsultores.com.co
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