Ionel Gardais wrote :
I tried to create a GenericAgent task saying :
- From : *...@domain.tld
- Queue : Raw::webticket
- State : New
- Action : move to new_queue

Unfortunatly, even when a new web ticket arrives into Raw::webticket and the user's email is "someth...@domain.tld", it is not moved to new_queue.

Am I missing something ?

Hi Ionel,

I can only imagine that the GenericAgent has not or not yet run or that your search criteria didn't match the ticket.

You can check for the execution of the GenereicAgent in the OTRS system log.

For the search criteria please try to broaden them and also please experiment with the sender, for example test it without wildcard first or try the customer fields.

When you save your GenericAgent and it matches existing tickets then you'll get a list of these tickets and you will be asked to execute the job. In this way you can verify your search criteria.



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