I know that this is a known bug in 3.0.5... what version are you running?
It might be just possible, by lying very still in a cellar somewhere,
to get through a day without committing a crime. But only just. And,
even then, you were probably guilty of loitering.
- Terry Pratchett: Feet of clay.

GPG KEY ID (Philipp Bieber): 0x0185E301
FINGERPRINT: CA81 28C2 E63F DAF8 5ED4 DACB 7C26 EE5B 0185 E301
Philipp Bieber - philbie...@gmail.com

On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 16:03, Jorge Cabrera <jorge.cabr...@andago.com>wrote:

>  Hi,
> I upgraded a month ago to OTRS's latest version. Everything was working
> fine until recently I had the need to add another queue (I know, I should've
> tested this before upgrading). When I try to add a new queue it seems that
> the data is not reaching the SQL insert command and I get the following
> error:
> ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: "", SQL: 'INSERT INTO queue (name,
> group_id, unlock_timeout, system_address_id, calendar_name,
> default_sign_key, salutation_id, signature_id, first_response_time,
> first_response_notify, update_time, update_notify, solution_time,
> solution_notify, follow_up_id, follow_up_lock, valid_id, comments,
> create_time, create_by, change_time, change_by) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,
> ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, current_timestamp, ?, current_timestamp,
> ?)'
> Is this an issue? Did somebody else get this problem?
> Thanks for your help
> --
>    *Jorge Cabrera Méndez*
> Departamento de IT
> T: +34 916 011 373
> M: +34 637 741 034
> F: +34 916 011 372
> jorge.cabr...@andago.com
> www.andago.com
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