
I have recently installed OTRS 3.1.1 and I wish to test the web
service capability out. But I am experiencing some problems
configuring this.
How do I configure the generic interface to push info out to another
system. I see that I am suppose to setup service requester.


Remote System: [IPaddress of the host I am going to push to]

OTRS as Service Provider is left blank

OTRS as Service Requester
Network Transport: HTTP::SOAP

Then I click save

I then go back to
OTRS as Service Requester
I click on configure

I believe end point ask for the uri of the web service and this is what I put
* Endpoint: https://IPaddress/ws/soap/core/CallService

I am unsure what the Namespace is suppose to be. But I loaded the wsdl
uri in soap ui and in the SOAP structure I get:
So, I then place
Namespace: urn:ws.solvedirect.com/broker

Encoding is left blank
SOAPAction separator:#

* User:23456
* Password:1234

After that all is configuration but what do I do next? There are no
clear directions. Do you have a guide out there? If I have to code in
pearl that is fine, but where do I start?
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