Hi Gerald,

Thanks for your reply.

I have a backup snapshot of the VM running OTRS, raw file level backups in
the VM and sql backups on the database. I got that covered. Common sense
doesn't have much in common with having this software stack on Windows :)
but, for now, I just must keep it that way.

I discovered in the meantime that I can install Strawberry + Apache using
the installer, after looking through its sources. I just need to not have
ActiveState installed before running the installer. I think I'm going to
stay with this perl runtime and webserver for now, upgrade to 3.3.6 and
then think about switching the platform later, while keeping the same OTRS
version, to be able to perform some A|B performance testing.


P.S: If anyone else has actual production experience with IIS +
ActiveState, please speak up.

On Thu, May 8, 2014 at 3:08 AM, Gerald Young <cryth...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Bogdan,
> I can't give you any feedback for "how does it run on windows" but
> considering IIS is native and ActiveState is designed to be Perl on
> Windows, I'd go with it's not going to be bad.
> That said, I had my own struggles with installing 3.3.6-win-installer on a
> Win 7 64 bit box (Hint: ActiveState Perl 32-bit is required for IIS
> integration, it seems). And I had an issue with actually getting into the
> system when I logged in <http://bugs.otrs.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10502>.
> I even tried that by hand with apache and OTRS source. All roads for a
> *fresh* install on windows lead to the same place for me.
> I didn't bother to try 3.3.5 as I was just on a factfinding mission for
> the forums. (My focus has been on Linux installations).
> I wish I could provide you better/more feedback, but on the other hand,
> after all this, I'd personally be looking at upgrading by backup database,
> filesystem/rename, extracting otrs source into a fresh otrs directory, copy
> over config.pm, any filesystem attachments, and upgrade the database
> (follow along according to the Upgrading file).
> As usual, don't blindly follow the lead of some random post on the
> Internet. Your data is your responsibility. My response is based upon my
> experience and is biased based upon what I've encountered, and others may
> have different experiences. Please backup, backup, backup, test restoring
> the backup, test things in a sandbox environment before applying to
> production. The best disaster recovery scenario is the one you've already
> prepared for on your dev/testing box.
> At which point, you'll have answered your own questions about the
> experience that matters most: yours.
> On Wed, May 7, 2014 at 10:53 AM, Bogdan Iosif <bogdan.io...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> Looking at OTRS 3.3 admin manual, Ch 2, Using the Windows 
>> Installer<http://otrs.github.io/doc/manual/admin/3.3/en/html/installation.html#installation-on-windows-installer>I
>>  see the following:
>> Important: The Windows installer for OTRS contains all needed components
>>> for OTRS, i.e. the Apache web server, the MySQL database server, Perl (with
>>> all needed modules) and cron for Windows. However you can also use it to
>>> set up OTRS on the Microsoft IIS Web Server instead of on Apache.
>> Since I've been running OTRS 3.2.3 decently in production for ~14 months,
>> on Windows, on Apache & Strawberry, with ~150 customers & ~50 agents, I
>> would like to keep this combo of OS, web server and Perl runtime.
>> Unfortunately, the latest otrs-3.3.6-win-installer-3.0.5.exe deploys
>> directly on IIS & ActivePerl and never asks me about anything except the db
>> backend.
>>    - Is it possible to deploy Apache & Strawberry with the Win
>>    installer, as claimed in the admin manual?
>>    - Anyone has positive / negative experiences to share about running
>>    on IIS & ActiveState? I loath changing the whole underlying platform and
>>    running the risk of having to rollback everything if performance is an
>>    issue in the new configuration.
>> Thanks,
>> Bogdan
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