Did you also put the environment variables in the Apache configuration file
in /etc/httpd/conf.d and/or in OTRS's /opt/otrs/Kernel/Config.pm ?

On Fri, May 23, 2014 at 2:10 AM, Carlos Andrés Gallego Arboleda <
carlos.gall...@itconsultores.com.co> wrote:

> Hello.
> I had several problems whit the OTRS 3.3.7 Installation under RHEL6 and
> Oracle11
> I have already installed the clients for the conection.
> oracle-instantclient11.2-basic-
> oracle-instantclient11.2-sqlplus-
> oracle-instantclient11.2-devel-
> Set the Evn
> export ORACLE_BASE="/usr/lib/oracle"
> export ORACLE_HOME="/usr/lib/oracle/11.2/client64"
> export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/lib/oracle/11.2/client64/lib"
> export NLS_LANG="spanish_spain.utf8"
> export ORACLE_USERID="system/pass@otrs"
> export PATH=$PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/bin
> The DBD::Oracle is installed on the machine by cpan
> When I try to test the otrs.CheckModules.pl
>  o DBD::Oracle......................ok (v1.74)
> But when I try to run the web installer show this message.
> Can't connect to database, Perl module DBD::Oracle not installed!
> Anyone can help me?
> Best Regards.
> *Carlos Andrés Gallego*
> *Director de Servicios*
> *ITConsultores - ITCON S.A.S*
> web: www.itconsultores.com.co
> email: carlos.gall...@itconsultores.com.co
> Tel: (+57 4) 320 7960 ext. 1004
> Cel: (+57) 301 501 42 49
> Cra 41 Nro 9 - 51 Edificio Arteria Of 104
> Medellín - Colombia
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