Hi OTRS Community and Christoph Sandhaus,

I have installed OTRS version otrs-4.0.5 running on Linux CentOS 6 x64 and I 
have the same problem report for Christoph Sandhaus as the email below. Someone 
have this problem and know how to solved or Christoph you know how to fix?

On an incoming ticket via PostMaster otrs adds a wrong customer on CC and sends 
a confirmation mail.
I would like to figure out how otrs selects this customer. But I have _no_ idea 
where to start over. Any hint is apprechiated!

Here is a description of my problem:

All our customer IDs are mailaddresses.

Assume the customers mail address of the incoming ticket is

But additionally there is a customers address like

Now the ticket history contains (freely translated from german):
NewTicket - ...
CustomerUpdate - updated: CustomerId=...;CustomerUser=first.l...@mycompany.com
SendAutoReply - AutoReply send to 

The auto reply mail contains an "CC" entry to 
Thanks for any help ...

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,
Marco Ferreira

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