Hi Benedict,

we have a global IT helpdesk structure, here an overview

1st line support:
1 queue per country for the local/national 1st line Helpdesk: DE (Germany), FR 
(France), IT (Italy), ES (Spain), etc....
1 separate e-mail address per country/queue.
We handle here all local/national support-requests.
We differentiate the requests between Incident Requests (problems on existing 
infrastructure/application) and Service Requests (service request for changes, 
setups, new users, etc...)
via the Ticket-TYPE.
We assign the according SERVICE and SLA level to the different requests/tickets 
during the analyze phase of the ticket.
All services are available for all queues/countries.
SLAs are per country configured to reflect the right time zone and working 
All those 1st line queues are configured with the according calendar to match 
the right time zone and working hours.

2nd line helpdesk and further support queues:
This is our escalation queue if 1st line cannot help further and need support 
from a specialist in the different technical areas.
Here we solve all infrastructure/application related escalations based.
>From here we can escalate further to other support teams like Software 
>Development etc.

We have in all countries / in all queues / at any time of a ticket-life-cycle 
all TYPES/SERVICES/SLAs available to update if needed.



From: Linux4Bene <linux4b...@telenet.be>
Subject: Re: [otrs] Reporting for accounting and setup best practices
        for multiple customers
To: otrs@otrs.org
Message-ID: <mkh0ph$bej$1...@ger.gmane.org>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Hi Holger,

thanks for the info. The setup you describe is very close to the setup I would 
want to implement here.
For the moment, I only have the following queues: Junk, Misc, Postmaster and 
Department 1.

To get to your setup, I would need to add services (I have most already), and 
add SLA's (don't have those yet). Do you use different queue's for each 
department/customer or do you use a queue per type of SLA?

As for part 2 of my message regarding the reporting, I constructed 2 SQL 
statements to run on my Postgresql db. It might be helpful to others so I'll 
post it here:

/* List tickets and sum of time spent on the ticket in date period sorted by 
title, and create_time */ select t.tn Ticketnumber,
        u.first_name as Firstname,
        u.last_name as Lastname,
        t.title Title,
        sum(ta.time_unit) Time_unit,
        q.name Queue,
        t.customer_user_id Customer_user,
        t.customer_id Customer,
        t.create_time Ticket_created,
        min(a.create_time) First_action,
        max(a.create_time) Last_action
from ticket t
        left join time_accounting ta on ta.ticket_id=t.id
        left join queue q on t.queue_id = q.id
        left join article a on a.id=ta.article_id
        left join users u on u.id = a.create_by where ta.time_unit is not null 
        ta.create_time between '2015-05-01' and '2014-05-31'
group by t.tn, t.title, u.first_name, u.last_name, queue, customer_user, 
customer, t.create_time order by t.title

/* List total time per Agent in a give period*/ select u.first_name as 
        u.last_name as Lastname,
from time_accounting ta
left join users u on u.id = ta.create_by where u.id = ta.create_by and
        ta.create_time between '2015-05-01' and '2015-05-31' 
group by u.id


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