
This shows up in an interesting way looking at the v4 vs. v6 paths for
this. I'm also coming from Shaw in Western Canada (BC).

The v6 path heads from Shaw through to a quick handoff to 1299 via Seattle
and then down the west coast:

     Packets               Pings
   Loss%   Snt Drop   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev Jttr
 1. AS6327   2604:3d08:427f:3c03:2e0:67ff:fe22:3565
    0.0%   254    0    2.7   2.8   2.1   7.0   0.4  0.2
 2. AS6327   2604:3d08:1:2::1
    0.0%   254    0   17.7  15.1  10.5  44.8   3.5  4.1
 3. AS6327   2604:3d00:f040::186
    35.6%   254   90   14.9  15.4   8.8  25.6   2.5  0.4
 4. (waiting for reply)
 5. (waiting for reply)
 6. (waiting for reply)
 7. AS6327   2001:4e8:0:8150::2
   18.1%   254   46   22.1  22.8  18.7  85.9   5.3  0.1
 8. AS6327   2001:4e8:0:80b4::1
   16.9%   254   43   22.5  21.9  16.5  90.5   5.6  1.2
 9. AS1299   sea-b2-link.ip.twelve99.net
    88.9%   254  225   16.4  21.3  16.4  26.6   2.2  5.2
10. AS1299   sjo-b23-v6.ip.twelve99.net
    0.0%   254    0   45.0  41.4  34.3  65.2   3.6  5.2
11. AS1299   lax-b23-v6.ip.twelve99.net
    0.0%   254    0   46.1  48.3  42.7  90.8   5.1  0.9
12. AS1299   las-b24-link.ip.twelve99.net
   73.4%   253  185   46.6  49.5  42.6 107.6  10.1  0.0
13. AS1299   atlantic-ic336064-las-b24.ip.twelve99-cust.net
    0.0%   253    0   49.9  54.0  48.2  91.2   5.1  0.9
14. AS29838  2607:f108:d01:8::4
    0.0%   253    0   47.8  50.4  44.3  71.5   3.9  1.6
15. AS25795  orthanc.ca
    0.0%   253    0   50.8  48.4  42.3  83.7   3.6  1.0

Whereas the v4 path heads east to Chicago for a handoff between Shaw and
"Atlantic Metro" (looks like "365 Data Centers
<https://www.peeringdb.com/org/9314>"?) before coming back west:

     Packets               Pings
   Loss%   Snt Drop   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev Jttr
 1. AS???
     0.0%   270    0    2.7   2.8   2.0   4.4   0.3  0.7
 2. AS6327
     0.0%   270    0   14.1  14.9   9.0  29.1   2.7  0.1
 3. AS6327   rc1bb-be131-1.vc.shawcable.net
    0.0%   270    0   15.1  15.5  10.3  36.3   3.1  0.6
 4. AS6327
    0.0%   269    0   21.3  16.9  12.5  35.7   3.3  4.8
 5. AS6327
    27.1%   269   73   17.3  16.8  10.4  54.2   3.7  0.8
 6. AS6327   rc1bb-be214.vc.shawcable.net
    0.0%   269    0   15.9  16.7  10.7  90.1   5.1  0.9
 7. AS6327   rc3so-be6-1.cg.shawcable.net
    0.0%   269    0   26.1  28.3  23.1  95.7   4.8  7.9
 8. AS6327
   27.2%   269   73   28.5  28.8  23.7  40.4   2.3  0.2
 9. AS6327   rc4ec-be13.il.shawcable.net
     0.0%   269    0   57.3  57.2  51.9  77.8   2.7  1.2
10. AS46887  equinix-ch2.cr2.ord1.amcbb.net
    0.0%   269    0   54.5  57.7  52.5  94.4   4.4  0.8
11. AS29838  ae1-4.cr1.ord1.atlanticmetro.net
    0.0%   269    0   56.4  64.0  51.4 166.3  18.7  0.9
12. AS29838  ve521.cr2.lax0.atlanticmetro.net
    0.0%   269    0  109.1 128.4 105.3 472.6  42.3  0.3
13. AS29838  xe-0-0-3-0.cr2.lax2.atlanticmetro.net
     0.0%   269    0  107.9 109.8 103.8 166.1   5.3  0.2
14. AS29838  ae3-4.cr2.lax3.atlanticmetro.net
    0.0%   269    0  107.1 109.5 105.5 171.7   4.5  9.1
15. AS29838  arpnetworks-dmarc.lax3.atlanticmetro.net
    0.0%   269    0  107.9 110.2 105.0 187.6   5.7  0.5
16. AS25795  orthanc.ca
    0.0%   269    0  105.8 106.5 100.9 142.7   3.1  0.4

My guess would be the scenic route via Chicago is probably based on some of
"Atlantic Metro's" routing policy on the v4 end, or quite possibly some of
Shaw's "selective" routing policy cutting off a more direct path through
Seattle or e.g. SIX.

Hugo Slabbert

I would like to acknowledge that the land on which I work and make my home
is the traditional and unceded territory of Coast Salish Peoples,
specifically the Kwantlen, Semiahmoo, and other Stó:lō Nations.

On Mon, Jan 15, 2024 at 12:29 PM Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM) via
Outages <outages@outages.org> wrote:

> I didn't have mtr installed on those hosts.  The path is definitely
> asym: 17 hops YVR-LAX, 10 hops coming back.  But both ways the
> traffic routes through Chicago, giving me those spectacular 100ms
> RTTs :-P
> I ran several traceroutes from the YVR side, and they all pointed
> to Calgary as the choke point.  But whatever it was has cleared up
> now.
> .--lyndon
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