On 4/17/19 7:30 PM, Ben Pfaff wrote:
On Wed, Apr 17, 2019 at 04:31:33PM -0400, Mark Michelson wrote:
On 4/12/19 6:02 PM, Ben Pfaff wrote:
On Tue, Mar 26, 2019 at 04:15:07PM -0400, Mark Michelson wrote:
I've once again rolled another OVN/OVS split version. It can be found at

The main changes between this and the old split POC are as follows:

* This is based on a much newer build of OVS master. Therefore, build errors
people had with dhparams.c *should* be cleared up.

* This fixes errors with manpages.mk generation/checking, so there is no
need to do a pointless `touch` of manpages.mk during the build process.

* In many cases, rather than hard-coding paths to OVS, we use variables.
This isn't universally applied, but it's used for the locations of C
headers, libraries, and manpages.

Please give this a look and let me know what you think.

As far as next steps go, I think that we need to do these changes in an
official capacity. What does this entail?

First, we need an official repo to perform the changes in. I suspect that
you would need to provide this. Whether this is in the openvswitch github
project or a new one is a potential matter of discussion.

We have an OVN organization that would be suitable for the repo:
https://github.com/ovn-org.  Justin is currently the only "owner" for
this organization, so he is the only one who can create a repo.  I'd
suggest that he should do that and give you access to it.

(Justin is out of the office until tomorrow.)

Next, we need to declare a date/time to officially switch over to performing
OVN development in the new repo. There are a couple of reasons for this:
* Merges to OVN code should halt while the work is done. This way, there is
no chance of losing OVN changes as part of the merge.
* Contributors need to be aware of when they need to switch over to using
the new repo for development.
* Contributors may want to get changes they are working on up for review
prior to the switchover to prevent having to re-do their changes in the new

I think those are the big things that need to be done next. After that, we
can make incremental changes in the new repo, even if they are somewhat
large. The other major things to discuss are administrative/policy changes.
Those can also wait until the code split is complete.

OK.  We should set a date soon.  How about May 1?  We want enough time
between then and the soft-freeze for the 2.12 release, which by the book
should be July 1.

I agree that an early date is good. Giving until May 1 gives time for pending changes to be put up for review and merged, so that's good, too.

Here's where things get complicated, though. My wife and I are about to have a child, and I'll be taking a 9 week leave of absence once he's born. The estimate for the start of my leave of absence is April 29[1]. I'll be checking e-mail regularly, but I won't likely have the time or ability to actually perform the switchover myself.

So maybe if we can push the date up some, that can give me a chance to actually perform the initial commits to the new OVN repo to get it set up and buildable. From there, it'll be up to others to take care of the next steps (e.g. removing OVN code from the OVS repo, removing OVS tests from the OVN repo, getting docs updated, etc.)

Otherwise, if we need to wait, I'll need to hand over the reins to someone else to take what I've done in my repo and apply it to the new repo. Hopefully it shouldn't be too hard to reproduce the effort, but I figure I can get it done more easily if I do it myself.

Mark Michelson

[1] This is an estimate. It's possible that it may start earlier or later depending on when he decides to make his appearance :)
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