On 28 Jun 2024, at 16:11, Adrián Moreno wrote:

> On Wed, Jun 26, 2024 at 02:15:02PM GMT, Eelco Chaudron wrote:
>> On 5 Jun 2024, at 22:23, Adrian Moreno wrote:
>>> Test simultaneous IPFIX and local sampling including slow-path.
>> I guess Ilya's comments on this patch summarize most of my comments. I had
>> one small additional question. See below.
>> //Eelco
>>> Signed-off-by: Adrian Moreno <amore...@redhat.com>
>>> ---
>>>  tests/system-common-macros.at |   4 ++
>>>  tests/system-traffic.at       | 105 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>>>  2 files changed, 109 insertions(+)
>>> diff --git a/tests/system-common-macros.at b/tests/system-common-macros.at
>>> index 2a68cd664..22b8885e4 100644
>>> --- a/tests/system-common-macros.at
>>> +++ b/tests/system-common-macros.at
>>> @@ -378,3 +378,7 @@ m4_define([OVS_CHECK_GITHUB_ACTION],
>>>  m4_define([OVS_CHECK_DROP_ACTION],
>>>      [AT_SKIP_IF([! grep -q "Datapath supports explicit drop action" 
>>> ovs-vswitchd.log])])
>>> +
>>> +m4_define([OVS_CHECK_EMIT_SAMPLE],
>>> +    [AT_SKIP_IF([! grep -q "Datapath supports emit_sample" 
>>> ovs-vswitchd.log])])
>>> diff --git a/tests/system-traffic.at b/tests/system-traffic.at
>>> index bd7647cbe..babc56b56 100644
>>> --- a/tests/system-traffic.at
>>> +++ b/tests/system-traffic.at
>>> @@ -8977,3 +8977,108 @@ OVS_WAIT_UNTIL([cat p2.pcap | grep -E "0x0050: 
>>> *0000 *0000 *5002 *2000 *b85e *00
>>> +
>>> +AT_SETUP([emit_sample])
>>> +
>>> +ADD_NAMESPACES(at_ns0, at_ns1)
>>> +NS_CHECK_EXEC([at_ns0], [sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1], [0], 
>>> [ignore])
>>> +NS_CHECK_EXEC([at_ns1], [sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1], [0], 
>>> [ignore])
>>> +
>>> +ADD_VETH(p0, at_ns0, br0, "", "e4:11:22:33:44:55")
>>> +ADD_VETH(p1, at_ns1, br0, "", "e4:11:22:33:44:66")
>>> +
>>> +NS_CHECK_EXEC([at_ns0], [arp -s e4:11:22:33:44:66])
>>> +NS_CHECK_EXEC([at_ns1], [arp -s e4:11:22:33:44:55])
>>> +
>>> +
>>> +AT_CHECK([ovs-appctl vlog/set dpif:dbg dpif_netdev:dbg 
>>> ofproto_dpif_upcall:dbg])
>>> +
>>> +AT_CHECK([ovs-vsctl -- --id=@br0 get Bridge br0 \
>>> +                    -- --id=@ipfix create IPFIX targets=\"\" 
>>> \
>>> +                    -- create Flow_Sample_Collector_Set id=1 bridge=@br0 
>>> ipfix=@ipfix, local_sample_group=10 \
>>> +                    -- create Flow_Sample_Collector_Set id=2 bridge=@br0 
>>> ipfix=@ipfix, local_sample_group=12],
>>> +         [0], [ignore])
>>> +
>>> +AT_DATA([flows.txt], [dnl
>>> +in_port=ovs-p0,ip 
>>> actions=sample(probability=65535,collector_set_id=1,obs_domain_id=1431655765,obs_point_id=1717986918),output(port=ovs-p1,max_len=100)
>>> +in_port=ovs-p1,ip 
>>> actions=sample(probability=65535,collector_set_id=2,obs_domain_id=2290649224,obs_point_id=2576980377),output(port=ovs-p0,max_len=100)
>>> +])
>>> +
>>> +AT_CHECK([ovs-ofctl add-flows br0 flows.txt])
>>> +
>>> +OVS_DAEMONIZE([ovstest test-psample > psample.out], [psample1.pid])
>>> +
>>> +NS_CHECK_EXEC([at_ns0], [ping -q -c 1 | FORMAT_PING], [0], [dnl
>>> +1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
>>> +])
>>> +
>>> +m4_define([SAMPLE1], [group_id=0xa 
>>> obs_domain=0x55555555,obs_point=0x66666666 
>>> .*icmp.*nw_src=,nw_dst=])
>>> +m4_define([SAMPLE2], [group_id=0xc 
>>> obs_domain=0x88888888,obs_point=0x99999999 
>>> .*icmp.*nw_src=,nw_dst=])
>>> +AT_CHECK([grep -E 'SAMPLE1' psample.out >/dev/null])
>>> +AT_CHECK([grep -E 'SAMPLE2' psample.out >/dev/null])
>>> +
>>> +AT_CHECK([ovs-ofctl dump-ipfix-flow br0 | sed 's/tx pkts=[[0-9]]*/tx 
>>> pkts=24/' | sed 's/tx errs=[[0-9]]*/tx errs=0/'], [0], [dnl
>> Why are we making tx pkts always 24, and are we waiving any potential tx 
>> errors?
>> Is this something you have seen not being consistent, if so any idea why?
> Yes. By the time we request the statistics, IPFIX cache should contain
> the flows but they might not have been sent yet. When they are sent they
> will fail (because IPFIX target is localhost and it returns the socket
> returns an error if the listening socket does not exist) so the number
> of errors might vary.

Your explanation makes sense to me. Maybe just add it as a comment so people 
looking at the test know why.

> I can look deeper into making it more consistent but it looked like a
> quick workaround.
>>> +NXST_IPFIX_FLOW reply (xid=0x2): 2 ids
>>> +  id   1: flows=1, current flows=0, sampled pkts=1, ipv4 ok=1, ipv6 ok=0, 
>>> tx pkts=24
>>> +          pkts errs=0, ipv4 errs=0, ipv6 errs=0, tx errs=0
>>> +  id   2: flows=1, current flows=0, sampled pkts=1, ipv4 ok=1, ipv6 ok=0, 
>>> tx pkts=24
>>> +          pkts errs=0, ipv4 errs=0, ipv6 errs=0, tx errs=0
>>> +])
>>> +
>>> +AT_CHECK([ovs-appctl lsample/show br0], [0], [dnl
>>> +local sample statistics for bridge "br0":
>>> +- Collector Set ID: 1
>>> +  Local Sample Group: 10
>>> +  Total number of bytes: 98
>>> +  Total number of packets: 1
>>> +
>>> +- Collector Set ID: 2
>>> +  Local Sample Group: 12
>>> +  Total number of bytes: 98
>>> +  Total number of packets: 1
>>> +])
>>> +
>>> +# Disable trunc feature to force traffic to go through slow path.
>>> +AT_CHECK([ovs-appctl dpif/set-dp-features br0 trunc false])
>>> +
>>> +AT_CHECK([ovs-appctl ofproto/trace br0 
>>> 'in_port=ovs-p0,dl_src=e4:11:22:33:44:55,dl_dst=e4:11:22:33:44:66,dl_type=0x0800,nw_src=,nw_dst='],
>>>  [0], [stdout])
>>> +AT_CHECK([tail -3 stdout], [0], [dnl
>>> +Datapath actions: 
>>> emit_sample(group=10,cookie=5555555566666666),userspace(pid=4294967295,flow_sample(probability=65535,collector_set_id=1,obs_domain_id=1431655765,obs_point_id=1717986918,output_port=4294967295)),trunc(100),3
>>> +This flow is handled by the userspace slow path because it:
>>> +  - Uses action(s) not supported by datapath.
>>> +])
>>> +
>>> +OVS_DAEMONIZE([ovstest test-psample > psample_slow.out], 
>>> [psample_slow.pid])
>>> +
>>> +NS_CHECK_EXEC([at_ns0], [ping -q -c 1 | FORMAT_PING], [0], [dnl
>>> +1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
>>> +])
>>> +
>>> +AT_CHECK([grep -E 'SAMPLE1' psample_slow.out >/dev/null])
>>> +AT_CHECK([grep -E 'SAMPLE2' psample_slow.out >/dev/null])
>>> +
>>> +AT_CHECK([ovs-ofctl dump-ipfix-flow br0 | sed 's/tx pkts=[[0-9]]*/tx 
>>> pkts=24/' | sed 's/tx errs=[[0-9]]*/tx errs=0/'], [0], [dnl
>>> +NXST_IPFIX_FLOW reply (xid=0x2): 2 ids
>>> +  id   1: flows=2, current flows=0, sampled pkts=2, ipv4 ok=2, ipv6 ok=0, 
>>> tx pkts=24
>>> +          pkts errs=0, ipv4 errs=0, ipv6 errs=0, tx errs=0
>>> +  id   2: flows=2, current flows=0, sampled pkts=2, ipv4 ok=2, ipv6 ok=0, 
>>> tx pkts=24
>>> +          pkts errs=0, ipv4 errs=0, ipv6 errs=0, tx errs=0
>>> +])
>>> +
>>> +AT_CHECK([ovs-appctl lsample/show br0], [0], [dnl
>>> +local sample statistics for bridge "br0":
>>> +- Collector Set ID: 1
>>> +  Local Sample Group: 10
>>> +  Total number of bytes: 196
>>> +  Total number of packets: 2
>>> +
>>> +- Collector Set ID: 2
>>> +  Local Sample Group: 12
>>> +  Total number of bytes: 196
>>> +  Total number of packets: 2
>>> +])
>>> +
>>> +OVS_TRAFFIC_VSWITCHD_STOP(["/sending to collector failed/d"])
>>> --
>>> 2.45.1

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