Hi everyone,

I am developing a simple utility tool that maintains connections with a
list of switches and adds and removes flows on them.

It's been called 'ovs-proactivecontroller' and it is inspired by
'ovs-testcontroller' utilitly, with the difference that the first does not
listen for connections since it is only intended to be used proactively.

A new kind of switch has been created; 'passive_switch' (pswitch),
analogous to the existing 'learning_switch' (lswitch), which represents a
passive switch.

The utility is a daemon which exposes a RPC interface via 'unixctl' server
with the following self explanatory API :

- add_switch
- del_switch
- add_flow
- del_flows

It also accepts as startup options a file name with a list of switches as
well as a file name with a list of flows. In case these options are
provided, the daemon connects to the given switches at startup and installs
the given flows upon connection.

The aim of the utility is spreading the given flows on each switch.

It is still work in progress but quite advanced already. I've reused all
the code I could, and respected the code style and naming according to the
project code base.

I would like to know whether this utility is of any interest for anyone out
there but us (Frafos GmBH), and whether there is any chance the OVS project
would accept this contribution.

Kind regards,


email: *joseluis.mil...@frafos.com <joseluis.mil...@frafos.com>*

Bismarckstr. 10-­12
10625 Berlin
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