On Fri, Feb 24, 2017 at 01:10:23PM +0100, José Luis Millán wrote:
> I am developing a simple utility tool that maintains connections with a
> list of switches and adds and removes flows on them.
> It's been called 'ovs-proactivecontroller' and it is inspired by
> 'ovs-testcontroller' utilitly, with the difference that the first does not
> listen for connections since it is only intended to be used proactively.
> A new kind of switch has been created; 'passive_switch' (pswitch),
> analogous to the existing 'learning_switch' (lswitch), which represents a
> passive switch.
> The utility is a daemon which exposes a RPC interface via 'unixctl' server
> with the following self explanatory API :
> - add_switch
> - del_switch
> - add_flow
> - del_flows
> It also accepts as startup options a file name with a list of switches as
> well as a file name with a list of flows. In case these options are
> provided, the daemon connects to the given switches at startup and installs
> the given flows upon connection.
> The aim of the utility is spreading the given flows on each switch.

To me, this sounds a lot like ovs-testcontroller with the --with-flows
option, with the added unixctl API.  Did you consider refining
ovs-testcontroller to support the unixctl API?  It would be easy to
accept those kinds of changes.
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