On 12/6/21 14:09, taoyunupt wrote:
> Hi ben and Ilya,
>      I meet some compile error,  hope to get your advice.
>       My OS is centos7.6,kernel version is 3.10.0-957.el7.x86_64, in X86 
> arch.   I compiled  dpdk19.11 by meson , and it seems work, the compiled lib 
> stays  in /usr/local/lin64.
>      When I compile DPDK lib with OVS by make , it failed with log "unable to 
> find libmnl, install the dependency package",but actually I have installed 
> libmnl-1.0.3-7.el7.x86_64

Do you have libmnl-devel installed?

>       Thanks   for yor  advices.
>       YUN
>      The dpdk compile script is:
>        export DPDK_DIR=$(pwd)
>        cd $DPDK_DIR
>        #configure and install DPDK using Meson
>        #build and install the DPDK library:
>        export DPDK_BUILD=$DPDK_DIR/build
>        meson build
>        ninja -C build
>        ninja -C build install
>        ldconfig
>      The ovs compile script is :
>       export DPDK_DIR=/usr/local
>       export DPDK_TARGET=lib64
>       export OVS_DIR=/root/rpmbuild/SOURCES/openvswitch
>        cd $OVS_DIR
>       ./boot.sh
>       ./configure --with-dpdk=$DPDK_BUILD --prefix= --localstatedir=/var 
> --datarootdir=/usr/share CFLAGS='-O0 -g' LIBS='-lfdt'
>       make -j 32
>       make install

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