Am Montag, 27. Juni 2005 13:17 schrieb Christian Magnusson:

> Try the latest cvs again... I have fixed a missing

> usb_release_interface() and some other statistics from those errors.


> /Christian


Sorry for the delay. I had my business partners here, which messed up things a lot.

I've done some testing with the owfs-2005-06-29.tar.gz daily configured package. Again, no luck. I've done

$ /opt/owfs/bin/owserver -p19160 -u1 --foreground --error_level 9

and started the owtcl test skript:

package require ow

OW::init localhost:19160

set DEVICES [ OW::get ]

set DEVICE [ lindex $DEVICES [ lsearch -glob $DEVICES {12.*} ] ]

puts $DEVICE

set STATE 0

for { set I 0 } { 1 } { incr I } \


set STATE [ expr 1-$STATE ]

puts "$I: OW::put ${DEVICE}PIO.A $STATE"

if [ catch { OW::put ${DEVICE}PIO.A $STATE } message ] \


puts $message

puts $errorCode

puts $errorInfo


after 500


The log of owserver:

INFO: PARSENAME path=(null)

: Success

ERR: Opened USB DS9490 adapter at 001/016.

: Permission denied


: Success

INFO: PARSENAME path=/12.869736000000

: Success

INFO: PARSENAME path=/12.159736000000

: Success

INFO: PARSENAME path=/81.198C24000000

: Success

INFO: PARSENAME path=12.869736000000/PIO.A

: Success

The last two lines continue with every switch of PIO.A

Then I turned the mains switch, and got log lines like this:

ERR: Closed USB DS9490 adapter at 001/016.

: Protocol error

ERR: Failed to configure/claim interface on USB DS9490 adapter at 001/016.

: Protocol error

ERR: Failed to reconnect USB DS9490 adapter!

: Protocol error

ERR: BUS_reconnect, returned error = -5

: Protocol error

INFO: PARSENAME path=12.869736000000/PIO.A

: Success

ERR: Failed to open USB DS9490 adapter at 001/016.

: Permission denied

ERR: Failed to reconnect USB DS9490 adapter!

: Permission denied

ERR: Failed to open USB DS9490 adapter at 001/016.

: Permission denied

ERR: Failed to reconnect USB DS9490 adapter!

: Permission denied

ERR: BUS_reconnect, returned error = -5

: Permission denied

INFO: PARSENAME path=12.869736000000/PIO.A

: Success

The last block has been printed again with every attempt to switch PIO.A.

In the meantime, I got from dmesg USB error messages like this:

usb 1-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 15

0: addr=81, size=32, dir=IN, type=3

1: addr=2, size=16, dir=OUT, type=2

2: addr=83, size=16, dir=IN, type=2

usb 1-1: USB disconnect, address 15

usb 1-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 16

0: addr=81, size=32, dir=IN, type=3

1: addr=2, size=16, dir=OUT, type=2

2: addr=83, size=16, dir=IN, type=2

usb 1-1: usbfs: USBDEVFS_CONTROL failed cmd owserver rqt 64 rq 2 len 0 ret -71

usb 1-1: USB disconnect, address 16

usb 1-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 17

0: addr=81, size=32, dir=IN, type=3

1: addr=2, size=16, dir=OUT, type=2

2: addr=83, size=16, dir=IN, type=2

I think the problem is the usb adapter gets enumerated automatically, and gets address 17 instead of 16, so it can't be found by the reconnect function.

Hope that helps.



"I'm not a programmer, but I play one at Microsoft."

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