Hi Pascal
I am not sure if I should use this forum for BAE0910 assistance however it
might be good for others setting up the device.
I have two of the slaves connected to the futurlec 4 channel relay boards.
I did a quick mod on a couple of channels and simply replaced the relay with
a FET.  Simple process, didn't have to cut any tracks just  two simple
links.  I have used the BAEo0910 4 outputs -Out, pwm1, pwm2 and PIO.  I have
managed to switch each output and setup the PWM for a small fan by setting
the parameters through owhttp.  So I have proven I can drive the 4 channels
and now have to setup the AE so I can prelaod some values on startup.
Some questions
1) If I use the PWM as a pure output do you have any recommended PERIOD /
TMPxC settings, does it matter ?.  I see setting dutyx to either 0 or
>period toggles the output on/off.
2) I tried to install the ae engine on Ubuntu.  It failed as I think it
needed some pre-requisites.  I tried an apt-get for flex and bison as I
assumed I needed these however apt-get could not auto find these so I will
do some more homework on this and manually download them.  Are these the
only two programs I required before I install ae_asm ?  Is it version
specific for flex / bison ?
3) Can you help on PIOC, If I use this as an output what does the PD
actually do ?
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