Hi Chris,

On 12/10/2010 03:45 PM, Chris G wrote:

> I have my owfs server running with USB master device:-
>      /opt/owfs/bin/owfs -u -m /mnt/1-wire/
> This works fine and creates appropriate directories in /mnt/1-wire/
> where I can see the data from my temperature sensors.
> How then do I use owdir, owread, etc. to actually read the data?  They
> seem to need a port number among other things and I don't see how I can
> know the port number that owfs is using.
> I just need some simple examples, whenever I run owdir and/or owread at
> the moment I get no output at all.

As I understand it, owfs has moved to a client-server model where one 
server application (owserver) talks to the 1-wire bus and client 
applications talk, via sockets, to the server. And while some 
applications still retain the capability of talking to the bus directly 
(the owfs executable is the prime example), some other programs in the 
owfs package may not have that capability.

So, if you want to use some of these programs that cannot talk to the 
1-wire bus, you have to run owserver first, and then point the other 
applications to owserver by providing IP address and port to connect to 
(the protocol between owserver and the ow* clients uses TCP).

Personally, I have an init.d script that starts owserver like this:

/opt/owfs/bin/owserver -d /dev/ttyUSB1 -C --error_print 0 --error_level 
1 --nozero

Since you are using that USB-based master I think you'd have to replace 
my "-d /dev/ttyUSB1" with just "-u".

After you have owserver running, you'd run owfs with something like:

/opt/owfs/bin/owfs --allow_other -C -s localhost:4304 /owfs --nozero

The other utilities are run in a similar way.

Hope this helps.


Eloy Paris.-

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