the vusb looks interesting! What I want to do is following: a user puts the
iButton on the reader. The id should be stored in a database, together with
the time (by using some Python).

2014-03-14 14:32 GMT+01:00 Jan Kandziora <>:

> Am 14.03.2014 14:09, schrieb Rob:
> > I am trying to make a punch clock with owfs and iButtons. Therefore I
> want
> > to call a link when a new iButton is put on the reader. When I look at
> the
> > owfs uncached directory, everything works as expected. An iButton is
> > detected immediately when put on the reader, and also is the directory of
> > the iButton removed immediately after the iButton is removed.
> >
> > Is inotify the way to go for doing what I want, or is there a better
> > solution?
> >
> In short: This won't work. Directories and files aren't coming by
> themselves when something is connected as owfs isn't scanning the bus
> continously. Directories and files disappear automatically when their
> cache timeout is reached, but this doesn't reflect the current bus state
> either.
> You explicitely have to readdir() /uncached. That way you advise owfs to
> put the "Search ROM" command on the bus and scan for all connected chips
> (and update the cache).
> Shameless ad:
> =============
> If you *only* want to detect iButtons on a lock and do nothing else, I
> recommend the iButton Lock -> USB HID translator I made a while ago:
> It's free software, the hardware is just a ATtiny45 and some resistors,
> schematics is included in the tarball.
> It sends %%bi<IBUTTONID><Return> when an iButton is plugged and
> %%bj<IBUTTONID><Return> when the iButton is pulled. You can parse this
> via X11 keyboard events or directly on the /dev/input/eventX node.
> The big advantage is the lock is scanned continously by the µC and the
> PC is only involved when something happened at the lock.
> Kind regards
>         Jan
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