Am 14.03.2014 15:07, schrieb Rob:
> the vusb looks interesting! What I want to do is following: a user puts the
> iButton on the reader. The id should be stored in a database, together with
> the time (by using some Python).
Simply use Python::Tk and bind for keypresses. It's a little tricky to sort it
out from the "real" keypresses but it's possible with good knowledge of Tk. You
have to dynamically create and delete keyboard bindings around the %%b and 
keypress events. I got original the idea from handling barcode readers. They act
like keyboards, too.

Disadvantage of the above solution is it only works outside of input boxes (and
your application needs the keyboard focus to check for events) or it gets really

So I changed my POS application to sampling /dev/input/eventX directly. My Tcl
test code for that solution is:

set fd [open [lindex $::argv 0] r]
fconfigure $fd -translation binary -buffering none
set keys [dict create]

set keycodes {
        2 1
        3 2
        4 3
        5 4
        6 5
        7 6
        8 7
        9 8
        10 9
        11 0
        30 a
        48 b
        46 c
        32 d
        18 e
        33 f
        23 i
        36 j
        {42 6} %
        28 \n

proc sample {} {
        if {[eof $::fd]} exit
        binary scan $DATA x[ expr 2*$::tcl_platform(wordSize) ]ssi type code 
        switch -- $type {
                0 {evaluate [dict keys $::keys]}
                1 {if {$value} {dict set ::keys $code {}} {dict unset ::keys 

proc evaluate {keys} {
        if {![dict exists $::keycodes $keys]} return
        if {$keys ne 28} {
                append ::line [dict get $::keycodes $keys]
        } {
                if {[regexp 
{^%%b([i|j])([[:xdigit:]]{2})([[:xdigit:]]{12})([[:xdigit:]]{2})$} $::line 
match command family id crc]} {
                        puts "$command $family $id $crc"
                set ::line {}

fileevent $fd readable sample

vwait endless

Along, I've made a small kernel patch to avoid the lock creating tty keypresses.
Basically a blacklisting of the lock's USB id. If you like to go the second way,
I'll post the patch, too. It's not required, though.

Kind regards


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