Names changed, and functionality verified. Merged into master.

Now I just need to build a circuit so I can use this to cut the 5V feed on my bus, for full remote restarts in case of some odd hangs I have not yet been able to isolate the source of.. What I'm seeing is that the bus (~80m, 7 DS18S20, 16 DS18B20, 4 DS2406, 1 custom slave) starts going between empty/short during scans. Keeping bus low for any time does not help, only dropping 5V seems to resolve the issue (and no, disconnecting the custom slave does not help. It was the first thing tested)

If anyone else has seen, or even better, solved, similar issues, ideas are welcome!

On 3/14/15 02:06 , Paul Alfille wrote:
Great idea!

On Fri, Mar 13, 2015 at 1:48 PM, Johan Ström < <>> wrote:

    Indeed, one is read only and one is write only. The reasoning
    behind two separate nodes is that the actual commands to the Link
    is either "Set high", "Set low", or "Put in Hi-Z mode and read".
    That is, reading means any previous output will be invalidated as
    it will no longer "supply" a high/low level.

    How about auxctrl and auxsense, to avoid mixup with other "power"
    entries (which indicates powered or parasite)?

    On 3/13/15 17:17 , Paul Alfille wrote:
    I love the idea, but not the names. In seems that one is
    read-only and one write-only from the name.

    How about auxpower and auxsense?

    On Thu, Mar 12, 2015 at 12:37 PM, Johan Ström <
    <>> wrote:

        Oops, early send... Trying again, this time writing the full

        The LINK adapter has an extra AUX line which can be used as a
        general I/O port (somewhat limited though).

        Some background, from LinkUSB manual page:

        The LinkUSBTM supports the standard RJ45 type 1-Wire bus
        connection wherein the center two contacts of the RJ
        connector are the data and ground connections to the 1- Wire
        bus. However, another pin in the RJ connector is also brought
        into play. This line is, by default, driven to the high
        impedance state and left un-powered. It can be an output
        supplying a low level (0 VDC) or a high level (5 VDC), or it
        can be an input sensing a 0- 5VDC logic level. When set to
        the 5V level by the “d” command, this line can be used to
        provide power for DS2409 and DS2406/7 type 1-Wire switches.
        However, the current available from this output is limited.
        The amount of current that the Aux line can provide is
        limited to approximately 75 mA. ASCII commands used by the
        host can cause the Auxiliary I/O pin to change its behavior
        as needed.

        The other Link devices have the same, somewhat different
        details though, mainly with regards to power levels.

        I've added some code to control this line via owfs, commited
        in branch link-aux:

        It basically adds two new points in the filesystem:

        /bus.N/interface/settings/ link/auxin

        This is visible for Link devices only. Auxin allows putting
        the AUX pin in hi-z mode, and reading the current value.
        auxout puts the pin in high or low mode.

        Is this a good solution? It isn't really a "setting", but it
        belongs under /bus.0/interface.
        Also, I didn't put auxin/out on the same node, since sending
        the "read aux" command will actually put it in Hi-z mode
        rather than just read it.
        Reading from auxout is not doable right now, it would only be
        able to reply the latest written value, which may or may not
        be correct, so I skipped support for reading.

        Let me know how if you think this fits in with the rest of
        OWFS, or if it should be solved differently.


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