>How long is your bus?
This bus has a lenght from a round 13 meters.
>How long are stubs?
Normally around 20 cm from the main line. I already changed this into a standard bus.
>Which kind of chips do you have on the bus?


+ ------- DS2408   (3 m from the Master)
------- DS2408   (5 m from the Master)
+ ------- DS2413  (5,5 m from the Master)
+------- DS18S20  <--- Problems with this   ( 7 m from the Master)
+-------DS2438     <--- Problems with this   ( 7 m from the Master)
+------- DS18S20  <--- Problems with this  ( I add these for test)  ( 7 m from the Master)
+-------DS2438     <--- Problems with this  ( I add these for test)  ( 7 m from the Master)
+------- DS18S20 ( 11 m from the Master)
+-------DS2438    ( 11 m from the Master)
+------- DS18B20  ( 13 m from the Master)
+-------DS2438   ( 13 m from the Master)

I could see, that the VAD/VDD is dropped on the DS2438 in case of problems.
DS18B20  and the DS2438   are on one place to measure temperature and humitity.
No, Measure voltage is 5.16V - > 5.17V (delta from around 20mV, seen by oscillope)
I checked this in the middle and at the end of the bus line. I am using 2x2x0.8mm Cu line (EIB/KNX Bus cabel).
> Any loose connectors inbetween?
I do not have any problems with the last on in this bus.
Any undesired ground to earth connections?
I already replace the complete bus connector. Could not measure any failure in the line up to now.
See this link (http://www.fhemwiki.de/wiki/1-Wire_Busverlegung#Topologie). I am using such connectors boxes
and the topologie I am using is linear.
I get wrong values from the sensor.
>This is used always. If you have the impression you bus is suffering
>from too much capacitance, you have to check with an oscillope on the
>far end.
I check the rise time of a signal with the scope and it looks good so far I can see.
Is there a possiblity to switch on a debug function to see the

Thanks for any help.
Best regards
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 01. April 2015 um 21:40 Uhr
Von: "Jan Kandziora" <j...@gmx.de>
An: "OWFS (One-wire file system) discussion and help" <owfs-developers@lists.sourceforge.net>
Betreff: Re: [Owfs-developers] Strong Pull Function for DS2480 of the owserver activate
Am 01.04.2015 um 19:52 schrieb Ritchie:
> Hi to all,
> I am fighting with my 1-wire installation, where I have one bus of five,
> who drives me crazy. I still get a lot of failure in the statistic.
> I checked already cabling, bus structure.
How long is your bus? How long are stubs? Which kind of chips do you
have on the bus? Parasite-powered? Any loose connectors inbetween? Any
undesired ground to earth connections?

> I would like to use the function "strong pull" up of my DS2480
> Buscontroller (USB)
> Does the owserver support this function ?
This is used always. If you have the impression you bus is suffering
from too much capacitance, you have to check with an oscillope on the
far end.

Kind regards


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